We Meet Again Comedian

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Chara's POV:

Frisk didn't feel so good since this morning, but they were just a little exhausted, thankfully that was the case. We had our guests over, but, I couldn't seem to give a damn shit, I was too worried over my slightly shorter dork. 

Mom told us to get out of our bedroom, so we did, after all who can say no to the pie with extra chocolate! Frisk seemed a bit hesitant about watching the movie with everyone, and deep inside I was too. I never got really along with Sans and Papyrus, and I was a bit scared of Undyne and Dr. Alphys, I know it might sound really dumb, but Undyne doesn't seem like the kind of girl to mess with. 

I took Frisk's hand and it was weirdly cold, yet sweaty. Maybe they really are sick. 

''Chara, I don't feel like going.'' - Frisk said as they lowered their head down. 
''I don't want to go too, Frisk, but let's do this for mom, shall we?'' - I placed my hand on their cheek as my thumb was caressing it. Frisk blushed and looked down.
''I'm just doing it cause you said so, idiot.'' - Frisk smirked and squeezed my hand tightly. 

''Sans! Sans! Look who is here!'' - Papyrus shook Sans's shoulder as he was half asleep already. 
''Oh, s'up old buddy.'' - Sans turned his head to me. I felt really uncomfortable, I didn't like it when he was so direct towards me. 
''Nothing much, so we meet again comedian, huh?'' - I smirked and rolled my eyes. I tried to hide my lowkey fear, I didn't like others to notice my weaknesses, although something kept telling me like he knows what's going on. 

''Hey, is that little one with crimson eyes the punk you told me about?'' - I could hear a bit deeper female voice coming from the red haired tomboyish lady. 
''Eyup, that's the one.'' - The comedian answered.
''It's Chara.'' - I reached my hand out and I tried not to look directly to the fish-like looking lady. 

Something grabbed my hand and squeezed it really hard, ouch... 

''Undyne, nice to meet you punk, I heard a lot about you from our good old man.'' - She said, she must meant dad. Although dad and Asriel had a deeper connection than he had with me, he still cared a lot about me. 

''Hi Undyne, hi Alphys!'' - Frisk appeared from behind me, holding onto my hand still. 
''Hi kid!'' - Undyne smiled towards Frisk, Frisk did the same. 
''H-Hey there!'' - Alphys said as she was wathing the movie. 

Frisk sat on the couch next to the Sans, they looked at me as they tapped their hands on their thighs signaling me to sit on their lap. And so I did, they pulled me closer to them, I honestly enjoyed the movie, I liked the dark humor in it, but I was getting tired, I don't know what was happening to me in the past few days, I feel tired no matter how much sleep I get. I placed my head on Frisk's shoulder, and nuzzled their neck. They smelled like roses, it wasn't too intense. I heard their giggles as they were watching the movie. I felt satisfied. 

''Since when are they this irritable?'' - I heard comedian whispering to Frisk. 
''I don't know, they are always like this towards me.'' - Frisk whispered back with a giggle.
''Hmm, I see.'' - He answered and smirked. 

I didn't want them to think I'm awake, so I just pretended to be asleep. After a while, I fell asleep for real, I woke up and the first thing I saw were mom, Frisk and Sans looking at me. I was confused, did I do something? 

''Thank goodness you're awake! I was so worried about you my child!'' - Mom said. I could tell I was asleep for a quite a long time.
''We thought you would never wake up!'' - Frisk placed their hand between chest and my ribs. 
''What happened here?'' - I said as I looked at Frisk's worried face. 

''You looked more pale than usual, and you were shaking, I got worried so I called mom and Sans...'' - Frisk explained. 
''Where is everyone else?'' - I was confused, why is Sans here, but Papyrus isn't? I couldn't say much how close or not so close the skeleton brothers were to those two. 
''They went home kiddo, Tori told me to keep an eye on ya.'' - Sans said as he settled his shoulders. 
''Oh...'' - I sighed. 
''Kiddo, may I talk to ya, in four eyes?'' - Comedian said. God, what does he need me anyways?
''Yeah, sure comedian.'' - I got up and went into the kitchen with him as he took the ketchup out of the fridge. 

''Say, you seem to be pretty close to Frisk, you seem a little too FRISKY about all that.'' - He joked as he tried to open the bottle of ketchup. 
''You've got to be kidding me, right?'' - I groaned and rolled my eyes, honestly, why does he even have to know about that, this, exactly this is why I never liked him. And he knows that too. 
''Nope, look kid, I knew you for long enough to read you like an open book, and besides, I know what love is, I ain't that blind.'' - He actually was serious this time. 
''I won't hurt them...if that's what you're trying to tell me.'' - I looked down, everyone probably still thinks of me as a monster for attempting suicide many many times, they probably think I want to hurt others just the way I hurt myself. 
''Nah, you can be violent, but, take good of that child, you don't want anything to happen to them like it did with Asriel, am I right?'' - He said as he started drinking from the bottle, gross. 

''The reason why I'm here is because of Frisk's determination, why would I hurt them?'' - I tried to defend myself, I don't know why, but it just felt like I had to. 
''Lol nope, it wasn't their determination that brought you back to life.'' - He grinned. God he was terrifying. 
''Then what was?'' - I looked at him stone faced. 
''Love was. Frisk didn't know who was watching them, but they knew it was someone, maybe they even saw a ghost of yours who knows.'' - He continued. 
''I feel like there is a bigger battle awaiting for me than this one within myself.'' - I felt like I know what was he going to tell me. I'm going to have to fight my closest friend besides Asriel, and my even bigger lover. 
''You're right about that kiddo, just don't hurt them. You are going to live, both of you are, but, that's what was supposed to happen in the first place. It's unusual, even for people to have one soul combined with two people with two completely different personalities.'' - I'm impressed by this guy. He knows a lot. 

''But...wait, how do you know all that?'' - I was confused, and I wanted to know a bit more about comedian. 
''Guess you'll never know kiddo, let's get back, shall we?'' 

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