Wounded Innocence

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Charas POV:

Mom asked Asriel and I to go to the super market to buy here few ingredients for tomorrows dinner as we'll have guests. I was kind of suspicious about that to be honest. I might not seem like the smartest but, I'm for sure not dumb. She usually didn't have a problem with Frisk coming along with Asriel and I. 

''Chara...I-Is everything alright? Your pupils seem really small...'' - Asriel asked with a bit of a worry. 
''Mhm, just thinking what does mom even need Frisk...'' - I answered as I gave Asriel a smirk. 
''Listen Chara, I know you and Frisk got along really well, but I'm sure mom knows what she's doing.'' - Asriel tried to ''calm'' me down? I don't know. 
''Yeah, I suppose you're right. Hey do you wanna go have some fun with me in this park? Mom probably doesn't need us anytime soon at home, and we'll be pretty quick with grocery shopping!'' - I suggested. It has been a while since Asriel and I had some fun.
''Charaaa...you know work is always in the first place, right after your own health of course.'' - Asriel said. Asriel was and still is a lawful good-ie, but with me, you either go big or go home. 
''Come on, it won't take too long! Besides I miss hanging out with my best friend. Since Frisk fell down, I never really got proper time to spend my time with my best friend.'' - I said, and heck yes I did mean that. I love Frisk, and I honestly would love that they were here, but I also miss my best friend. I want to be with Asriel for a little while too. 
''I missed you too Chara, I really did.'' Asriel hugged me really tight, I just smiled as I gently ruffled his head fur. 

''I miss you so much Chara...'' - Asriel hugged me tighter and his tears started dropping down his eyes. 
''Hey....buddy, what is it?'' - I tried to let go of them, and I put my hand on their shoulder slightly rubbing it. 
''You don't remember?'' - Asriel asked. God damn, right, I was his first love, and he was mine. We never even kissed tough, but we were together, we made a silly promise, that when we grow up we'll marry each other and rule the underground together. 
''...I remember, how could I forget about that Asriel?'' - I chuckled. It did hurt me, seems like he still has feelings for me. I sadly, can't say the same... 
''Do you think I'm stupid Chara? It's obvious you like Frisk...'' - He said. 
''Asriel, no matter what, I'll always have infinite tenderness for you.'' - I do love Asriel, but that was only puppy love what happened between us. He is always going to be my guardian angel. 
''I know you do Chara. Can we please go to the market right now, it's getting darker here, I wanna be home as soon as possible.'' - He said in a quiet tone. 
''As you wish, your highness~'' - That made Asriel laugh, thank god he is back to being himself again, I can't stand this depressive Asriel. 
''Don't call me that!'' - He kept giggling. We soon arrived to the shop, it took us a while to find all the ingredients, but we made it, and of course we also bought a little ''extra'' chocolate. You can never have enough chocolate.

Frisks POV:

''Promise me you won't look at Chara in any other way when I tell you this, okay Frisk?'' - Toriel asked me with an unsure tone to her voice.
''I promise.'' - I answered determined.
Toriel took a deep sigh and bit her lip, she seemed like she was about to cry. I wonder what is all that about. 
''I don't know how much you're aware and how much Chara has told you about their past. But they really aren't the one to blame who they became.'' - She muttered. 
''Mom, I love Chara, no matter what you say will make me change my mind, it'll only help me understand them better. I promise.'' - I said that as I took moms paws over the table and gave her comforting smile. 
''Chara was not even supposed to be alive, their parents didn't want them. As far as I know, they were born a little bit too early, they have unusual eye color for humans. Those '' scary '' eyes were the reason why other human children didn't want to be around them. They used to pick up on Chara, they were just like you, merciful towards everyone. Until their limits finally went off and they started being aggressive towards everyone who would dare to hurt them. They saw what they've done. People become scared of them, even Charas parents were scared of Chara. Soon enough, Chara has had this unusual and unhealthy habit. They always carried their knife and razor blades. Their wrists and thighs were full of the battle scars. If you know what I mean.'' - Toriel covered her face and tears just kept sliding down her cheeks. 
''I'm sorry...there's more to talk about...just, give me a second...'' - She apologized. 
''It's okay mom, I understand'' - This whole thing seemed pretty reasonable, but what could've happen to make mom cry this much.

''They began to feel more and more suicidal throughout the years. The reason why they ''jumped'' off Mt.Ebott was because of the suicide attempt. But, they failed, they just hurt their legs during the fall. My son, Asriel heard them crying out for help, they couldn't get up. Asriel helped Chara get up. Chara, was, indeed badly injured by that fall. The first few weeks since Asgore and I ''adopted'' them they weren't really communicative as you know Chara now. They would often go out to play with Asriel, and they would meet a lot of monsters along the way. Chara would often scream in panic of monsters as they though they will hurt them. Asgore and I thought it might be better for both Charas sake aswell as Asriels to put them in the same room. When Chara finally managed to talk to us, they started to get a bit better. Well...we thought so...as I said, Chara always carried her razor blades and their knife with them. One day Asriel got in his room and found Chara next to the bed. The whole carpet around them was covered in blood. Chara collapsed because of a lot of blood loss, we didn't know what to do. Here in the underground we didn't have hospitals. So we tried to fed Chara with chocolate and some herbal tea with a lots of sugar, but not too sugary. We thought we lost Chara, but they woke up in a few hours. I took their knife and razor blades away. Everything seemed....well...just fine. Chara grew to love it down here, and they began to love monsters. The only person Chara opened up to was Asriel, and as Asriel knew everything about Chara, I did too... Asriel still has a lowkey crush on Chara, but I guess someone else has to, or am I wrong about that little one?'' - Toriel surprised me a little in the end. 
''I really do love Chara, mom...'' - I frowned, but I knew how much Chara meant to Asriel, so I kind of pity myself now for feeling this way. 
''I know you do my child, I might be old, but I'm not that old to understand what love is. Just keep in mind that Chara is really hurt and depressed deep inside.'' - Toriel smiled at me as she gently stroked my hair.

''We're back!!'' - Asriel shouted from the hallway. 
''We're back with chocolate!'' - Chara shouted along with Asriel. 
''And with other ingredients...Chara.'' - Asriel said with a little more serious tone. 
''Yes, Asriel.'' - Chara answered chuckling. 

''Mom, who's visiting us tomorrow?'' - Asriel said as they both entered the living room. 
''Oh, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne and Dr. Alphys! I thought maybe we can finally sit down have a dinner and watch some movies together.'' - Toriel smiled towards Asriel and Chara. Chara didn't seem to care, they took a chocolate bar out of the bag and sat down next to me biting a piece from it. 
''Are we gonna watch anime, again?'' - Asriel rolled his eyes. 
''Papyrus and Sans will actually choose what to watch tomorrow, so I suppose it's a no, why my child?'' - Toriel giggled towards her son. 
''I'm not really the biggest fan of anime...most of them scare me.'' - Asriel said as he shook his head. Chara and I giggled at him. I turned back to Chara with a huge smile. Chara just looked at me confused. 
''What is it Frisk?'' - They whispered. 
''I'm glad you're back, dork.'' - I said as I got close to them and whispered it into their ear. Charas face turned red as they laughed really quietly. 

We stayed up a little longer today, but Asriel was really exhausted so he went to bed a bit earlier than we did. We stood up late chatting with Toriel, she was a great story teller. I really enjoy her stories, and Chara seems to enjoy them too. Soon enough Chara fell asleep on the dining table. When Tori and I realized we just looked at each other and giggled. 

''Maybe we should let Chara sleep like this?'' - I suggested, it was no use taking her to bed. 
''I'll carry them to bed, it would be a shame if they woke up with a backache.'' - Toriel said as she picked Chara up and carried them to our bedroom. I stayed up watching over Chara with mom for a while, she soon left and and wished me a good night and shut the door really quietly.

''I'll make all of your pain go away soon, Chara..'' - I said with a whisper as I their forehead. 
''I promise.''

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