The Statue

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Frisks POV:

I slept only 4-5 hours this night, I honestly really can't sleep less than 8 hours a day, otherwise I won't function properly. I started feeling really tired and sleepy on the way to the little place Chara and Asriel told me about. We were supposed to have a tea party. But the last thing I remember was falling asleep on the little throne in the room. When I woke up I see Chara and dad finishing their tea and giggling. 

I'm glad I decided to bring Chara back to dad. I can tell that Chara really did love dad a lot. But was probably the most worried about meeting him once again. It's such a shame that mom left dad, well, she did have a good reason to. Although I know the whole story about their and Charas relationship, I still feel like there is a one big part of a puzzle missing. 

''Oh good! You're awake!'' - Chara looked up to me with a huge smile on their face - ''Dad and I prepared tea for you, but I'm afraid it might have cooled down while you were asleep.''
''No, it's fine, I'm sorry for falling asleep just like that!'' - I said. 

Chara just chuckled, and kissed my cheek softly. 
''You dork, go ahead and try some tea, it's really delicious.'' - Chara said giving me a smirk. 
''Dummy'' - I responded with a little laugh. 

I took a sip of dads tea. And, Chara wasn't lying, it was really good. It was sweet, but not too sweet, and it had strong taste to it. It was a combination of apple and cinnamon. I could taste both apple and cinnamon equally well. And surprisingly, it wasn't even that cool, it was pretty warm, not hot, but warm.

''It's delicious dad!'' - I smiled towards my dad. He smiled back. 
''I'm glad you like it my child.'' - He responded. 
''Hey dad, do you think we should return back to the ruins, I don't think Toriel is really the happiest about visiting you, I know she said she is, but I don't really think that's what she really meant...''- Chara said with a big frown. 

Asgores mood suddenly went down. He took a deep breath and breathe it out, he didn't seem like he wanted to talk at all. He bit his lip, and closed his eyes. It almost looked like he was about to cry. But, he didn't. I guess he wasn't used to expressing emotions. 

''I understand, I'm glad you came to visit me, feel free to stop by anytime you want, it's nice to have some company from time to time.'' - He said, he really did change from a really happy fur ball, so a huge ball of sadness. 

Chara instantly came to hug him. It was a real, and honest hug. I know a lot of you probably would never tell that Chara is actually full of love. They do seem really cold and scary at first, but when you get to know them, they are actually filled with love. They don't show it that much, but they have something, deep down, what's causing them to love so hard, but not so easily. There is more to them that meets the eye. 

When they finally let go off their hug, I approached dad spreading my arms wide open. He instantly pulled me in a hug and held me tight. 

''We'll see you soon, dad...'' - I whispered to his ear. 
''I'm looking forward to it kid'' - he smiled, whispering it back to me. 

''We should keep going Frisk....bye dad! We'll visit you as soon as possible!'' - Chara said as they waved at dad, I waved along with them. Dad gave us one last smile and waved back at us. 

When we left the castle I took Chara by their hand, they seemed to really sad that we are heading home so early. But, there was something deeper, I guess. They didn't seem alright at all. I was too afraid to ask. But it seemed like there was something dragging them down. 

''Chara?'' - I whispered their name silently. They turned to me and put on a little smile. I could tell by their eyes that it was fake, their eyes were screaming for help, but I couldn't tell what was going on. 
''Yes, my love?'' - They responded as they held on my hand tightly. 
''I love you, Chara.'' - I said with a little hope to cheer them up. I don't know if it will help... 
''I love you too, Frisk.'' The look in their eyes seemed to soften up a little bit. They stopped walking and they caressed my cheek leaning in for a kiss. It was only a peck. But I could've taste their pain. They are on the edge, I just know it. 

''Hey, do you wanna see something really cool?'' - I asked, I remember finding a statue I gave an umbrella to, I thought maybe we can sit there so they can calm down. I don't want Chara to have a breakdown in front of Asriel and mom. 
''What is it Frisk?'' - They asked. 

''I wanna show you the statue I came across on my journey, I think it's really peaceful, and I want to be together with you alone until we come back home to mom and Asriel.'' - I answered as I took them by the hand. 

''Oh, you mean the one that looks like Asriel when we would be older?'' - They chuckled. 
''Y-Yeah, how do you know about it?'' - I asked. Honestly, the statues didn't seem really old, I don't think they've seen it before their death.
They leaned in with a smirk - ''Well, now, that's a secret my dearest Frisk~'' 

I blushed awkwardly, we continued to walk to the statue. I was paying full attention to their reaction. They seemed to calm down. It wasn't raining like the last time I was here, so they just sat down next to the statue and enjoyed the music box that was right behind it. 

''You like it?'' - I asked, they seemed to calm down a little bit. 
''Mhm, it's really relaxing.'' - They answered rubbing a part of the statue. They didn't take their eyes off of it. Thanks goodness they are doing fine now. 

They soon took their eyes off the statue and I found them gazing at me. I blushed in an instant, and they just chuckled. 

''You're beautiful Frisk, thank you for existing, thank you for giving me one more chance to live.'' 

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