Alone With You In Silence

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Chara's POV:

''Mom!'' - Both of us exclaimed as soon as we saw mom. 
''I guess you two are a bit early for Valentine's day?'' - A warm smile took over mom's face.
''I hope you are not angry at us...'' - Frisk said trembling, as soon as I saw how a slight fear took over them I took their hand and squeezed it. 
''Angry? My, my...I couldn't be angry, but you two are going to bed a bit earlier than yesterday, is that clear my children?'' - A goat-like motherly figure gave us a slight smirk as she put her paws on her hips. 
''Say, mother....what are we going to cook for Valentine's day, I don't think butterscotch-cinnamon pie is the best idea...not like I have anything against it!!! But...I think maybe something with strawberry flavour would be more suitable for Valentines, don't you think?'' - Frisk asked, they seemed to be really excited for this Valentine's day, huh?
''How about we try butterscotch-strawberry pie?'' - I got an idea, I really love mom's pies, especially the ones which include butterscotch in them.
''I think I might have some strawberries in the fridge, great idea my children!'' - Mom ageed to help us out, but, she actually took over our plan to bake her a pie.

Frisk soon enough left the kitchen when they realized mom is better off without us. At first I didn't understand why, but soon enough I left mom and I reached her head, standing on tip of my toes and kissed her soft fluffy cheek. She blushed, I guess mom didn't received kisses in a long time. She is the best mom I ever had, and, she deserves kisses more than anyone in the world. 

''Took you long enough, where have you been?'' - Frisk was sitting on the couch pouting at me. 
I put my hands on their thighs and pecked their lips, I could feel their smile against my lips, as soon as I let go a blush took over their face, they were seriously sweeter than any chocolate I ever tasted. 

''What's the time, Frisk?'' - I sat next to them as they pulled me closer to them. 
''It's 6 in the morning, why?'' - Frisk just stared in the kitchen's direction. 
''I was just curious, besides I don't think I have even caught some sleep this night at all...'' - I frowned. 
''WHAT? Chara you need sleep to function throughout the day!'' - They got really mad at me, but they couldn't keep their rage for too long. I just frowned and they realized that it's no use.

''Mom, can Frisk and I go out for a bit?'' - I shouted all over the room. 
''Sure, but be sure to come home by 10!'' - Mom did the same. 
''Come on Frisk, I wanna show you something, after all it is a special day, isn't it?'' - I gave them a blink and took their hand while running to the front doors. 
''Where are you taking me!?'' - Frisk was in a shook, but I didn't care much. 
''Nowhere, I just want to spend some time alone...'' - I said quietly as I opened the door and took them outside. 
''You could've said so, I got really scared at first.'' - Frisk said slightly laughing. 
''Let's go to the Waterfall, it seems to be the most peaceful place for us...'' - I suggested, and, they agreed. Both of us found waterfall the most quiet and relaxing. 

We spent quite some time walking in pure silence, the only sounds that were able to be heard were our sighs. I didn't let go of their hand for one second, I honestly wish we had more moments like these. Just the two of us in pure silence. Sometimes you can learn a lot about one person from just being with them in silence. I didn't need anyone other that Frisk to fulfill my happiness. They were my sibling, my mother and father, my soulmate, they taught me how to become a better person ever since they awakened me. I was so cold and frozen to everyone until the day I met them, yes, I do suffer from depression, but, I was never exactly ''sad'', I was tired, I was exhausted. I had no energy and absolutely no reason to live my life, even when I met the Dreemurrs, they made it better, but never enough to make me wish for a better life and to even stay here. I prayed for a simple death, but now that I met them, I think I might rethink my choice twice. They taught me how to love again. I think I fell in love with the world once again because of them. 

''Chara...we're here...'' - Frisk finally broke out the silence and comforted me with a warm smile of theirs. They always knew how to cheer me up. I finally felt like home. 

 I sat down by the pile of echo flowers and so did Frisk, we stayed cuddled up listening to the stories they kept telling again and again. What made it more wonderful was that I was in Frisk's arms, with my head on their chest, and I could feel their slow heart beats that synced perfectly with mine, I finally felt that calm I want to feel for the rest of my life. Before I knew it I was in a deep deep sleep, but yet I could feel their arms gently rubbing my back. A soft and gentle lips took a place on my forehead, I felt like I was in a fairytale, far away from my problems. 
People say that love is all about that intense feeling in your chest, and about butterflies, but to me, it was more like a calm and gentle feeling that took place all over my body and mind. Nothing in this world could replace a feeling like this. I needed this, I needed peace. I needed Frisk.

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