Running From Fate (Secrets in Black Creek)

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Chapter 1
Jeta's POV

Dear Ty,
A lot has happen since my mom, brother and I have moved to Black Creek. Mom and Dad are still so in love and are expecting another baby. The twins Cane and Ben are both growing like weeds. They are eight, and already very tall. They are both going to be heartbreakers with their jet black hair and dark brown eyes. They look like dad when he was their age.
Jensen and I are still close. We are just four mins apart, but he still considers himself my big brother. He is 6'2 and all the girls love him. He could be a player if he wanted to but chooses to wait for that special someone. He saids he doesn't want to fall in love then would have to leave her heartbroken after he found his mate.
How are you? I know it has been three years since we have seen each other, but it feels like longer. Have you found your mate yet? If you haven't don't worry she is out there somewhere. I am not really worry about finding mine right now, but it would be nice to share things with. I hope I get to see you see.


I finish my letter to Ty and sealed it. I hope I will be able to see him sooner rather than later. He was my best friend. After mom finally let us go see grandpa and grandma in Georgia, Ty and I became very close.

"Jeta come down for breakfast", I heard my mom yelled. "Coming". I ran down stairs to find my little brothers already digging into the pancakes and bacon. "Good morning Cane and Ben". "Morning" they said in unison. "Y'all better hurry don't want to be late for school" said Millie. "Jeta have you thought about what you might want for your birthday?" "Yeah I was wondering if I can go to Georgia during spring break". "I really want to see Ty".

"Yes that will be fine". "I will talk it over with your dad tonight". "So you and Ty?" "It isn't like that mom". "We are just friends". You never now maybe one day y'all will be more than friends". "I don't think so mom, I don't think he will ever look at me like that". "Why do you say that". "Look at the time I got to go". "Come on boys let's go before we are late". "Where is Jensen?" "He is in the office with your dad, he will come later". "Bye mom".

I had to get out before I told mom that I did have feelings for Ty. I just don't think he will ever feel the same for me. As I set in my car the boys came rushing in and brought me out of my thoughts. "Hey Jeta is something wrong" asked Ben. "No everything is fine Ben". Before I could pull the car out Jensen came running toward me. "I thought you and dad were having men talk". "Funny, we just finish" said Jensen".

"Tonight is a party at JJ's do you want to come" asked Jensen? "Umm no you know we don't get alone". "That isn't true just last week y'all were able to stay in a room together for ten minutes without exchanging harsh words" said Jensen laughing.

"It isn't funny Jensen". "You know as good as I do that he hates me". "I don't think he does sis." "I think he has a weird way showing he cares for you." "That is too funny". "Yeah I don't think he even has a heart".

When I pulled up to the boys school Ben jump out. He was always a book worm, and always eager to learn. As Cane got out he turn back to look at me, and said the last thing I ever thought I will hear him say, "I think that is where you are wrong about JJ." Saying that he ran off after Ben leaving me very confused. I didn't even realize he was listening to our conversation.

I turned to Jensen and asked "what do you think he meant by that?" "I think that is something you need to figure out for yourself" said Jensen. "Why do guys always speak in riddles?" He laugh and said "because it makes it hard for the girls to figure us out". "Haha you are too funny."

"I told mom today I wanted to go see Ty over spring break." "That will be good for you to get away from everything for a week" said Jensen. "Do you want to come too he is your friend too?" "Yeah maybe I wouldn't mind seeing Madison" said Jensen. "Yeah she wouldn't mind seeing you either" I said with a wink.

"We are just friends, Jeta." "I know mom always told me friends make the best lovers". "I don't want to hear anymore" said Jensen with his hands over his ears. "Ok I am sorry I bought that subject up". "You know you like her". "I do she is very sweet and pretty" said Jensen.

After I pulled into the parking lot at school Jensen was about to get out, but pause to tell me " just be careful around Ty." "You might not like him like that but the guy is in love with you". "What?" "I don't think he is". "Trust me he is" said Jensen. Then he got out of the car leaving me more confused than I already was. What is it about today that the guys are leaving me confused. I must have a note printed on my forehead that said "please confused me today".

"Why are you still sitting in the car chick" asked my best friend Mia. "Thinking about ditching I supposed". "Come on can't be that bad" said Mia. "Alright I am coming". "That's the spirit" said an excited Mia. "Why are you so happy this morning?" "It is a beautiful day" said Mia looking up at the sky.

I gave her you better spilled it look. "Ok I overheard JJ is having a party and", but I cut her off by saying "absolutely not ". "Come on it will be fun, and I can stare at Jeremiah for a couple of hours". "Then you go Mia". "I already had this conservation with Jensen". "See that is another reason to go" she whine. "I can go stare at your brother too."

"Then come to the house and I will let him model for you", but don't make me go to this party." "JJ and I don't get along everyone knows that." "That is isn't true just last week--, but I cover her mouth with my hand. "Don't even say it".

"Look Jeta JJ is looking at you." "Yeah let him look". He more than likely heard our conversation." Stupid werewolf hearing. "Maybe he likes you" said Mia. "Doubtful he probably is mad at me again." "For what" said Mia? "Who knows every since we moved here he hasn't like me."

"Come on let's get to class before we are late". Before I can pull the door open Jeremiah catches my wrist. "Hey Jeta". He was so handsome with his light blue eyes and blond hair. Oh my goodness I got to snap out of it this is Jeremiah Parker we are talking about. "I was wondering if you and Mia wanted to sit with us at lunch." Before I could answer him Mia jump and said "yes".

I turn to her and gave her what the hell look. The look she gave back was you know you want to. "Jeta is everything ok" asked Jeremiah. "Yeah that is fine we will see you at lunch". He smiled at me and walk off toward Jensen. I turn to Mia and said "what did you just agree for us to do?" "She got so happy when she said " we are having lunch with three gorgeous guys". "Don't even think about ditching". "I will hunt you down like a wild animal" said Mia. "You are a wild animal Mia." "I know but mostly on the full moon" she said with a wink. I was going to have to figure out how to get out of this lunch date with the guys.

When I saw Jeta walk into the parking lot I couldn't get over how beautiful she is. She is the type that doesn't know it so it makes her even prettier. I like the fact she isn't a slut and doesn't throw herself at every guy. When Jeremiah went up to her and Mia, and he caught Jeta by the wrist I almost came undone. No one touches what is mine.

I just didn't know how to tell her. I have liked her since I first saw her. She thinks I hate her, but I don't she is all I think about. I just didn't know if I want to settle down at such a young age. Mom and dad got married their senior year and had me five months later.

Yes you guess right she was already pregnant with me before they married. They couldn't keep their hands off of one another. Dad blames it on her going into heat that made him not able to resist her. I say he was just a horny teenager.

"Hey man what were you asking Jeta?" "I was seeing if her and Mia wanted to eat lunch with us" said Jeremiah. "Did she turn you down?" "Are you kidding, would you turn down this face?" said Jeremiah with a smirk. "Hell ya" said Jensen.

"Funny Jensen you know your sister likes me," said Jeremiah. "Really because I didn't get that memo" said Jensen. "Jeremiah are they coming are not?" "Why do you ask do you have a thing for Mia?" "No just curious if you still have your charm". "Yes they are both coming" said Jeremiah.

My wolf and I were so excited that Jeta was coming to eat with us. She usually tries to avoid me like the plague. I admit that we don't get alone ninety percent of the time, but that was only because I like her so much. She had a way about her that always seem to get under my skin. She is so independent and strong will. I wonder if she will ever like me?

Running From Fate (Secrets in Black Creek)Where stories live. Discover now