Jail Break

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Chapter 21

Carla helped me into the dress that I was supposed to marry my future husband in. This moment was not supposed to be like this. I was supposed to sharing this with my mom, JJ was the man that I was supposed to married. "Jeta you look beautiful", said Carla bringing me out of my thoughts. "Thanks". "Jeta I know you are sad. It is written all over your face, but I promise the man that will see you in this dress will love you unconditionally." "Carla the only man I want seeing me in this dress is JJ. We both have avoided our feelings for each other for so long, for it all to be take away. I didn't give my heart away freely. I tried running from him, but fate wouldn't let me. Please I know you don't approve of what your brother is doing." "Jeta I might not approve of it but I do approve of the man that is marrying you." What did that mean? Then it hit me...the man was her son.

"You are going to love the man Colt picked for you. He is very sweet and did I mention how handsome he is?" "Carla does Kysic know that he is getting married?" She stop straightening my dress and looked up at me, "how did you know?" "Carla I don't think Kysic will approve of this marriage." "Now that is where you are wrong Jeta". "What is that supposed to mean, Carla?" She was about to say something but her evil twin walked into the room. "Now Jeta you clean up rather nicely", said Colt with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes because I could care less what he thought about my appearance.

"I am actually anxious to see the look on your groom's face". "Umm Colt she knows", said Carla. "She knows what sister?" "She knows Kysic is the groom." The next thing that came next was totally unexpected. Colt slapped Carla right in the face causing her to loose her balance. "How dare you tell her!" I ran to Carla kneeling beside her and wiping the blood from her face. "She didn't tell me you ass! I figured it out by myself." "I see. I guess I underestimate you, Jeta". "I guess you did, but it is one flaw in your plan." "Oh really and what would that be princess", Colt said bending down and getting into my face. "Kysic would never agree to this arrangement." He started laughing and I wonder why he found that statement funny? "You really don't know do you?" I was so confused. Why was he always speaking in riddles? "Jeta he-- but his sentence was cut off with a knock at the door.

"Sir sorry to disturb you but you have two visitors downstairs". "Who is Lane?" "Umm sir I think you should come see for yourself." "We will continue our conversation later Jeta. Till then try to relax. The next few days will be very busy". He left the room leaving Carla and I to wonder who was downstairs.

Ty's POV

"Ty if Jeta is really here don't you think we should go get back up", said Jeremiah whispering to me? "Jeremiah please do me a favor?" "Depends on the favor". "Just stop over thinking everything. I got her to safety once and I will do it again, but you have to trust me and do exactly what I tell you to do. If you don't you put all of our lives endanger." "Well why didn't you just say that in the first place", said Jeremiah? I was shaking my head at him when Colt came walking downstairs. "Lane you didn't tell me there were two wolves waiting to talk to me?" "That is why I said you should come see for yourself". "Thanks Lane I can take it from here".

"Gentleman come sit, and please tell me why you are in my home?" "Sorry sir this want take long. I am Ty Walker and this is Jeremiah Parker. We have reason to believe you are holding a friend of ours?" "Way to go Ty just get right to the point", said Jeremiah under his breath. "Is that so? I guess you are her knight and shining armor right and here to rescue her?" It was no turning back now. I reach in my pocket and threw the potion that Matt gave me and Colt when down. I knew we didn't have long before the potion worn off. "Wow what was in that stuff", said a surprise Jeremiah? "Jeremiah do one more favor?" "Yeah what?" "Dunk". When he turn he saw three warlocks coming straight towards us. I acted fast and threw the potion. All three went down. "That is some mean shit man", said Jeremiah. "Jeremiah please focus we have to find Jeta and fast. "Right....destroy the bad guys then you can tell me what is in it for you to bring Jeta back home?

I froze I didn't think he would get up the courage to ask that question. What was I supposed to say that she was my reason for my existence. Would he understand? "Jeremiah let's find Jeta then I will explain everything."

Jeta's POV

Helping Carla up I knew this was my chance to ask her about Colt's plan "Carla why does Colt want me to marry your son? What can he possible get out of it? She smiled and said "Jeta my brother was so wrong about you. I really don't think he thought this whole plan through. My son really does like you...more than you think. After he saw the way he acted around you he knew he couldn't kill you but he could get his revenge on your grandfather Samson another way....to become part of his family." "How exactly is he going to get revenge on him that way? Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. "Oh my goodness he was going to wait till I became pregnant then killed the baby after he or she was born. He was going to take someone dear to Samson, since Colt's father was killed when he was attacking Samson."

I sat down and weep for the baby that didn't exist. Would he ever really stop even if I didn't have his great niece or nephew? "How do you know about our father", asked Carla? "It doesn't matter Carla. How could you let him plan to kill your grandchild? I didn't think he would go through with it, Jeta." "Look around Carla he is going through with this evil plan of his. The question is are you in or out?" She didn't get a chance to tell me her answer because the door was broke down and when I look up it wasn't JJ's face that was looking back at me....it was Ty's and Jeremiah's. Ty look at me and with his gorgeous smiled said "I will explain later why I am working with him". Jeremiah was about to object to that statement when we heard Colt heard "get them!" Ty grabs me and throws me over his shoulder "Ty I can walk". "I know Jelly Bean but we are in a hurry", said Ty running to a near by room.

"Jeta listen to me because what I am about to say is very important". "Ty you are scaring me". He took me by the hand and looked me in the eyes and said "do you trust me?" In that moment I knew my heart was still torn between two guys..."yes I do". "You know I will always love you. You will always be mine." He then kiss my head and told Jeremiah to jump with me. It happen so fast I couldn't react. I was falling then Jeremiah shifted and I landed on a brown wolf. He got up and walked around me like he was waiting for me to shift. I look down and said "he gave me something I can't shift". "Jeremiah get her out of here", yelled Ty from the window. Jeremiah look at me and then laid down letting me know he wanted me to climb on his back. I didn't waste anytime I climb on and he took off running. I just hope Ty would follow us soon.

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