Beginning of the bond

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Chapter 10

I got back home around three. I went up to my room and laid down on my bed hoping to get a nap. However as soon as my eyes closed my door open to reveled a very mad and disappointed best friend. "Where in the hell have you been!" "Calm down Thelma . I had to get out of there." "I had to dodge JJ all day not to mention your brother who is on his way up as we speak."

"Crap I can't deal with him right now". "Well he isn't the only one coming. JJ and Jeremiah just pulled up too". "Mia we got to make a run for it!" "What? Where would we go?" "It doesn't matter let's go!" "Fine Louise, but if we get tackle I am blaming it on you". "Fine let's go!" We both drop out my window and landed on all fours. I heard Jensen yelled to the guys to hurry up and shift. I knew we only had a couple of seconds before they found us. I mind link Mia and told her to split her that we had to lead them in a wild goose chase.

"You can't be serious?" "Mia that is our only option". "Fine but I am telling you if I get in trouble from this you are by yourself." "Fine." She took off in the opposite direction and I heard the howls behind us. I had no doubt that JJ was on my ass. I could some how sense his anger and sadness. He was sad that I left, and furious I ran from him.


I was furious that Jeta didn't follow me to class. As soon as the bell rang I knew she was gone. Mia dodge me all day so I could get to ask her where Jeta went. I almost skip out on class, but knew mom would be mad. I couldn't concentrate on anything. In ark class we the teacher told us to paint something we love, and I painted a picture of Jeta. How did I not know that I loved her till now?

As soon as the bell rang I was out of my seat. Jensen met me at my car and told me that Mia took off and said she was probably going to see Jeta. I told him to get in and we drove to his house. Mia must had just got there when we drove up. Jensen yelled for us to shift and I knew the girls must went out the window. We all shifted. As soon we got to the woods. I sent up a howl letting Jeta know I was coming and she could run but couldn't hide. I wasn't letting her run from me again. I wanted to talk to her what was happening between us.

Jeta's POV

I ran till I couldn't get any more air into my lungs and that is when he pounce on me. I never saw him coming. I didn't even smell him. I guess I was more in control in stand my wolf. For once I wish I would had let her take control. He tackle me and we both started rolling on the ground. I was about to get up and run and that is when it happen. I would had never thought he would had done it without my permission. He suck his teeth into my neck, marking me as his.

It hurt like hell. I shifted back and when he saw what he had done he shifted too. I was nearly in tears, and when he went to touch me I pulled away. "How could you?" "Jeta I am so sorry. My wolf took over when you ran." "You mark me without my consent". "Jeta it is isn't a full bond yet because we didn't mate yet." "You think that makes me feel better. I am bound to you forever. I will feel what you feel as you will me."

I felt that he was feeling sorry and regret. In stand of saying anymore to him I shifted back and took off running. This time he let me go. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I couldn't stay there.

Mia's POV

I ran till I was breathless. I decided to take a break underneath a big oak tree. I just laid down when I smelt him. He smelled so good. I just wanted to go lick him all over. What the crap am I thinking? This is Jensen Kramer we are talking about. I was just about to sneak out the other way when he corner me.

He shifted back and he stood there looking at me with his tone tan abs. I just wanted to rub my hands up and down his chest to feel his six pack. He then smirk at me like he knew exactly what I was thinking. "Mia come on shift back". I shook my head no and was just about to make a run for it, but he shifted and tackle me.


I can't believe I marked my mate and lost her all in the same day. This isn't how I plan the whole mating thing. Now Jeta won't have anything to do with me. The bond wouldn't be as strong since we didn't sleep together yet, but each day we don't complete the bond our wolves will get lonely for their mates.I sent up a painful howl and ran back to my house. It was going to long and restless night ahead.

Jeta's POV

I heard the howl in the distance and my wolf whined. She loved JJ so much that I could feel her heart breaking. I didn't want her to be sad but a part of me just wanted to be normal. To actually fall in love with someone. I got to my house and climb up my tree to my room. All I wanted to do is take a long hot bubble bath and go to bed. However as soon as my feet landed on the floor I was looking into eyes the same color as my own.

"Jeta where have you been" said Millie crossing her arms? "Well mom it is a very long and I do mean long story." "Try me. Wait is that", said Millie turning my head. "Oh my goodness you were marked tonight? Did you have sex?" "Mom don't be silly." She gave me a confused look so I said "I was marked but no sex". "Oh I am so glad. I wanted to talk to you about it first." "Mom this wasn't a willing mark?"

"So you aren't mated?" "Mom my life is so screw up right now. Ty moves here, my art teacher is totally gorgeous and there is definitely something between us I can't explain, and JJ mark me as his tonight. A forever bond that can't be broken." "Actually it can be, but why would you want it to be if y'all are mates?" "Mom I didn't say I didn't want to be". That made my wolf perk up some. She was practically jumping with joy. "I just would like to had dated him first, and he discuss it with me first".

"I understand sweetly, but sometimes things don't always go as we would like them too. I loved your father from the moment I laid eyes on him. When we broke up I thought that was going to be the hardest things I would ever go through, but I was wrong. I had twins to raise on my own for almost ten years, I know that was my fault but at the time I thought if I came back he would have already been married with other children." "Mom what are you trying to tell me?" "That just because you are scared of something doesn't mean you should give up on happiness."

"Mom why aren't you mad about him marking me?" "Because when the wolf takes over he it is nothing to do about it, and his wolf wouldn't had marked you if y'all wasn't mates. I know he isn't your biggest fan, but can you at least give him a chance?" She then left my room letting me think about the biggest decision of my life.

I had a restless sleep that night. I kept hearing howls in the distance. My wolf was on edge like she was going to jump out of my body. When I walk down stairs for breakfast mom didn't quite know what to think about me. "Jeta you look terrible", said Cane. "Thanks Cane you sure do know how to make a girl feel good". "Cane why don't you and Ben go watch tv in the living room", said Millie.

As the boys got their plates and went to the living room mom turns toward me and said "Jeta we need to talk about this. It isn't going to get any better." "Mom I don't know what to do. I am so confused. Can I be home school for the rest of the year?" Absolutely not, but I will let you go stay with grandma Lena for a week or two." "Mom how is that going to help me?" "It will get you away from here for a little while." "It still doesn't solve my school problem." "I will talk to your school and get some of your classes change, but Jeta you need to think long and hard about your coming decision."

Mom let me skip school that day to help me think about JJ and me. Just saying his name made my wolf jump for joy. I went to the creek behind our house to think about whether or not I wanted to go stay with grandma for a few days to clear my head of this craziness in my life.

I was sitting by the water when someone came and set beside me. His once presence use to make me so nervous, but since I was marked by JJ, I now just thought of him as a friend. "Jetty bean where have you been", said Ty looking at me? "Ty, my life is so screw up right now." "You know you smell like him. I can't believe you were marked. If it makes you feel better he feels like shit about it. In his own odd way he only did it because he loves you. I know that is hard to understand, but he wouldn't had done it if it wasn't so." "I know Ty, I just wish I would had gotten to date him and is talk about it first". "Sometimes jetty bean, fate has ways to surprise you. I am here if you need me". He then got up and walk away. I knew then what my decision was going to be.

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