Two Mates

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Chapter 22

Jeremiah ran till he came to the river bank. I got off of him and looked around wondering what he plan for me to do. "Do what now Jeremiah? Am I supposed to swim the river? He gave me a grin and shook his hand. "I knew it, but really what do you want me to do?" "You are a very impatient woman Jetty Bean", said Ty walking out from behind the trees. I ran and jumped into his arms "Ty I was so worried". "Jetty you know I will take care of myself so I can get back to you". Why did those words make my heart melt and make me feel do guilty at the same time? What was going on with me? "Here Jeremiah I though you might need these",said Ty throwing some shorts. Jeremiah caught them before then hit the ground with his mouth and ran behind a tree.

"Jetty Bean I really need for you to listen to me what I am about to say. The next few days will be something you never experience before and I want to make the transition as easy as possible for you ". "Ty what the hell are you talking about?" Ty walks up to me and gives me light kiss on the lips and saids "I do this because I love you so much", then I felt it and everything went black.

Millie's POV

As I was pacing around my room in the ridiculous red dress, wondering why in the hell he pick that color for me, I got the feeling the guest that I was waiting on was one of the kids. Suddenly the door opens and in walks Matt and in his arms is Jeta. "Oh my goodness Matt is she ok?" "Yes Millie I told you our special guest would arrive soon and here she is". I ran to her knocking Matt away. "Millie darling she is only sleeping. Do you honesty believe my men could got her here otherwise?" "Well we will never know Matt because you didn't give her a chance". I was furious and I wanted him to know it.

Then the strangest thing happen he burst our laughing. "Oh Millie that is why I love are just so cute when you are angry. Sweetie now listen Jeta is really going to need you when she wakes up so try to calm down." Every word he seem to say just made my blood boil even more. He then gave me a light kiss and left the room. I had the urge to throw something at the door but that would be childless right...oh what the hell I grab a near by vase with beautiful red roses, which hated to do it since roses are my favorite, but what can I say it was a spare of the moment kind of thing.

Jeta's POV

I am running through a mellow trying to find Ty and Jeremiah but they are no where to be found. I call out for them but no answer. "Jeta your life is forever about to change. I hope you are really for it". I turned and see none other this grandma Joanna. "Grandma believe it or not I am so happy to see you." "Jeta if have so much to tell you with so little time." "Grandma why do you seem so worried?" "Jeta I wish I could tell you. Just know your mom will help you through everything". "Grandma now you are scaring me". Then I heard like a clap of thunder. "Was that thunder?" "No that would be your mother throwing a fit", said Joanna shaking her head. "Wait Ty brought me to mom and dad? I have so much to tell them. See you later grandma". "Jeta wait", but I was slowly fading back to reality. I will have to ask her what she wanted to say when I wake up.

I open my eyes and I see my looking at me strangely. "Jeta are you ok?" "Yeah I am fine mom. How are you? Where is everyone and whose house are we in?" Mom sits down and starts to cry. "Jeta I don't know how to tell you this so I will just spit it out. We are in Matt Grey's house." I stared at her dumbfounded. "Wait didn't he die?" She gets up and starts to pace. I notice she looks bigger than she did a few days ago. "No Jeta he didn't. I thought he did too, and the nightmare was over."

I get up and walked over to her and she looks so vulnerable. "Mom you don't have to be strong for me. I can take care of myself." "Jeta I am so scared that this time I won't escape and get back to your dad. To make matters worst I believe I am going into labor". "What? You can't mom. You just tell him or her that they will have to stay a little longer in there". She gives me a 'are you kidding' kind of look " Jeta it isn't exactly easy to tell the baby to stop moving down." "Oh I know mom I just need a little more time to figure out how to get us out of here." I could tell she wanted to say more but she fell on the bed in pain.

"Mom what can I do?" "Jeta listen to me I have to try and stop the contractions. I need for you to holler for Matt and talk him into giving me a shot." "Mom if you are indeed in labor isn't it a possibility the shot won't help?" "Yes...but it doesn't matter I want to hold off as long as possible", said Millie breathlessly. "Mom don't worry I am going to find a way to get us both home safe." Then the most delicious smell hit me. "Oh my what is that smell?" "What smell" said Millie rubbing her stomach? I got up and walk to the door "mom the smell is coming behind this door". "Jeta you probably smell whatever they are cooking for supper. Thinking about food, I am really hungry", said Millie getting off the bed. As she got up she knock off a stack of books that were sitting by the bed.

"Crap". "Don't worry mom I will pick them up later when I figure out what that smell is. It is very...oh what is the word...additive. Hey mom can you be additive to a smell?" "Jeta look at this". I manage to tear myself away from the door long enough to walk over to her. In her hand she held a book about two mates. "Mom can a wolf really have two mates?" "Umm grandma Lana once told me it was possible but doesn't happen often." "So Matt thinks he is your mate?" "He knows he isn't. Maybe he thought he could find a lope hold in the this whole mate thing. Listen to this a female wolf can have two mates but not the male. The males will either have to fight or the female choose. A female can be mark by her mate, but if bond isn't complete soon the full mate bond can be broken. The mark will fade and the other male can mark the female".

"Oh Colt told me the bond between JJ and I would soon fade, but he said it was the potion he gave me. The mark is starting to fade. "Jeta according to this no potion can break the bond that fast if you are true mates. Matt tried but it is almost impossible to break the bond of true mates. Oh my goodness...the only way is through death. Matt is going to tried and kill your father." I was going to tell her to not worry but that delicious smell hit my nostrils. The door open and in walk Ty and Jeremiah. Ty eyes turn black as night and full of lust. I wanted to jump him right then and there. What in the hell is happening to me?

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