Accepting JJ

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Chapter 12

Jeta's POV

I cried myself to sleep that night. I woke up to my alarm going off at six a.m. I felt so weak I couldn't seem to get myself out of bed. My door suddenly flew open and in walk JJ. "Jeta we need to talk. I am not going away till you hear me out." Just having him closer I was able to breathe a little better.

"I know what you saw was devastating and I am sorry. I really thought it was you. She even had your smell. I don't know what to make of it." "JJ I am sorry I overreacted since we aren't officially dating." "Jeta but I want to date you. I have for so long. Ever since I first laid eyes on you I knew there was something about you." He came closer to me and wipe the tears that I didn't realize were falling. "Jeta I am in love with you. I now know why I was always so mean. I was fighting my feeling for you and my wolf. He is tired of me fighting. Please don't reject us."

I grab him and gave him a kiss letting him know that I wanted him. "JJ I accept you". He then grab me and kissed me till we both were out of breath. "Umm can y'all wait till the wedding night to make me a grandma", said Millie walking in. "Mom can't you knock?" "Yes dear but there are some things I don't want you doing in my house." "What is going on" asked Bryan coming in. I immediately jump out of bed, but jumped back in when I notice I had on just a little shirt and thongs. JJ lean over to me and said "if I knew that is what you had on the mating would come first". "Hey keep your thoughts to your self", said Bryan throwing me some pants.

"Daddy and mom please give me a minute to dress and I will be downstairs?" "Fine but hurry or you will be late for school. I also need you to take the boys to school and they both have ball practice afterwards ." "Mom can't Jensen do something?" "Well he could but he has football practice."

"Just great, yeah sure mom I can take care of that". Mom and dad left and JJ was left staring at me. Mom came back in grab him. He left complaining, but I knew he would get over it. I shower and dress and went downstairs in search for JJ. As I was coming downstairs I overheard mom and dad talking to him.

"We just wanted you to be aware of the situation not be be blind sighted when the time arose", said Millie. "How could y'all do this to her", yelled JJ? I walked in and all eyes are on me. "So what did I miss?" "Oh nothing we were just having a family chat", said Millie. "Yeah and that chat is about me so what is it?" "It is nothing that you need to worry about right now", said Bryan. "Fine if y'all want tell me surely JJ will". The look JJ gave was begging me not to ask. "Fine whatever let's just go to school." He seem to let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. I knew it had to be something bad, but what?

Samson's POV

"Well my little spell backfire on me". "I told you not to do that one". "The sooner we get Jeta away from JJ the sooner your son can marry her". "Samson I don't mean any disrespect when I say this, but if she was my granddaughter I would want her to be happy, even if that means she doesn't marry the one I would want her with." "You don't know what you are saying. Our race is dying out and you want the one person that can bring new witch blood in to walk away because she thinks she is in love?"

"Samson they are true mates. Matter I want my son to marry her, and I do believe he cares deeply for her, it is still not enough to tear her away from the future alpha. You do realize if it come down to it they would have to fight for her, and that would cause a war". "Well my friend if it comes down to it, war it shall be".

Jeta's POV

We got to school right when the bell was ringing. JJ have me a quick kiss and said he would see in class. I was in a hurry so I running to my locker only to knock into Mr. Parker. "Oh my, I am so sorry Mr. Parker. I am a little clumsy and wasn't watching what I was doing." He started laughing and I wonder if I said that all in one breath. "Jeta you are so much like Millie." "I hope that is a compliment." "It is. She is so full of life, just like you. I will see you in class". He then walked off and I wonder what all he meant. I would have to remember to ask mom later. The second bell run and I knew I was late. I just got finish grabbing my books when I sense someone behind me.

I turned to find my art teacher Mr. Rivers. "Mr. Rivers you scared me". "I am sorry Jeta, and please call me Noah." I tried walking passed him but he put his arm out. "Jeta I really need to talk about your drawing". "Is something wrong with it?" "No I just wanted to ask you some questions about it". I was about to tell him I didn't know why I drew it when I heard JJ's voice behind Mr. Rivers.

"Jeta is something wrong", asked JJ? Clearly he was wondering where I was since I hadn't made it to class yet. "Yeah Mr. Rivers was just asking me about my drawing, and giving me a hall pass so I wouldn't be tardy." Noah smiled and me and wrote a note to my teacher. He handed it to me and wink. I smiled because matter he was my teacher he was still gorgeous.

He walked away and JJ step up beside me. "What was that really about?" "Not sure but let's get to class. Oh by the way, why did you come checking on me?" "Well since I bite you I can feel your emotions and your heart rate increase so I thought you were in trouble." "Oh how sweet you were worried about me". I gave him a quick kiss and grabbed his hand.

Unknown's POV

"Sir the construction on the house starts today." "Good did you talk to them about the hidden room. I don't want my Millie escaping this time?" "Yes sir everything will be like you want. She will have all the comforts of home but no way of escaping". "Good. When do you think it will be finish?" "The contractor said about January". "That is fine just a couple of months and she will be home."

"Sir what do you want me to tell the contractors about the boys room?" "Just make it so they won't escape. I will have to find a way so they can't use their powers. I believe it might be time to pay my mother a surprise visit."

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