C;4 - Secret is safe with me.

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"Are you sure you're okay, Nath?" Siva asked me for the tenth time now.

I sighed again and nodded, "Yes I am Seev."

Siva just shook his head, not believing my constant lies, "Nathan-- you do know that I'm on your side...-"

"-NO. NO YOU'RE NOT, SIVA! YOU'LL END UP TELLING THE OTHERS EVERYTHING I TELL YOU!" I suddenly snapped at him, banging my fists on the keys of the piano.

Siva's brown eyes widened at me raising my voice. If I was honest, I'm shocked myself.

"You can tell me anything, Nathan... I promise." his voice spoke in a half-whisper.

Suddenly the door of the music room swung open and in walked a blonde quiffed guy-- he looked familiar.

"Oh hey, Nath and Seev!" he greeted us with a thick Irish accent like Siva's. Siva and I stared at this stranger in confusion-- how does he know us?! Why is he acting like we're mates?!"

"I'm Niall... Niall Horan?" he looked at our confused faces with a raised eyebrow. Oh... one of Louis's friends... and Harry's... Oh, I miss Harry. I haven't seen him for a whole week now.

"Right. Well, we're just leaving so...-" Siva started to get up and I followed, we didn't want a fight. We aren't that type of people.

"No, no! I'm sorry. You see... I heard you playing, Nathan... and it sounded really good! Are you trying out for the school talent show, because you have an awesome voice!" Niall grinned at me, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

"Er... erm... I- I was thinking about it, I guess but-" I glanced at Siva whose brown eyes were wide with shock at my words.

"I never knew you were serious about music, Nathan!" he gasped-- just shows how much attention he pays to me. I write all the time, I sing in the bath and sometimes to myself when I can't sleep.

I hung my head down in shame, "I-I never tell anyone... I'm sorry.. It's stupid, right? I-"

"-no! Of course it's not, Nath! You have talent that shouldn't be wasted!" Siva exclaimed suddenly, startling me.. okay, maybe he does care? Wow. That's a turn of events!

I looked up at him with a big smile, "Really?!"

"I second that! You're talented, Nathan!" Niall chirped in-- I almost forget he was in the same room as us.

"Thanks guys... I- I don't know what to say.. I-" I was cut off by Niall as I watched him pick a guitar and take my notebook, well song book, and placed it on the music stand... oh no.

He started strumming to the melody which was usually played on my piano. It was my song called, Warzone. Niall began singing the words I had written to it, then near half way... I waited for him to stop... as the lyrics had finished... but he continued to sing, obviously making up lyrics as he went along... but it just sounded so perfect. I noticed Siva was recording the blonde Irish lad and I mentally thanked him.

"Wow." was all I could say after he had finished.

His blue eyes sparkled with happiness. He's like Harry... he really shouldn't belong with his 'friends'. 

"You should try out too, Niall!" Siva announced.

Niall chuckled but shook his head sadly, "I wish I could... but my mates wouldn't approve."

"Who cares? Who cares what they think?! You have talent, Niall" I wish I could've said those words, but I just stood awkwardly staring at the floor-- I don't know why I haven't got any balls.

"You and Nathan should practice together sometime.. yanno, secretly?!" Siva looked at us suggestively.

Niall grinned and nodded, "Yeah, that sounds cool."

I have them a weak smile in return and nodded too.

I hate being so shy.


"Harry was talking about you last night... in his sleep. It was actually kinda cute!" Niall whispers so only I could hear.

"Really?" I looked at him in shock... Harry thought, well dreamt, about me? Why?!

"He's actually been doing it a lot so I thought I'd get to know you... and see if you felt the same.. Judging by your child boy-crush-blush, I'd say you've also got it bad!" he suddenly bursts out laughing.. but luckily Siva was too busy talking to his long-distance girlfriend on the phone.

"I-I-I-I don't! I just- I just that... um-"

"-don't worry, buddy! Your secret is safe with me! See ya!" he gave me a quick bro-hug before running into his shared apartment, the ones where he and his friends stay in. The enemies.

Niall's strangely amazing... like I've actually made friends with someone... what a miracle!

{{hii. hope that was okay:))) Right, if you like reading books with both The WANTED and One Direction in, then if you wouldn't mind, could you check out Do I Scare You? It's got The WANTED in! Ahhhh. :)) Haha. Feedback would be fab, what would you like to happen in this book?:)) Vote too! Thanks so much-Tanisha .xox}}

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