C;12 - Holidays.

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To me, weeks go by too quickly. Another week has passed and the weekend is approaching, also another term break. Usually I don't look forward to term breaks because the guys all go back home to visit their families. Me? I have no family to visit. Therefore, I just stay like a sad, loner, and loser in the boarding school's apartment. It's good to have peace and quiet from the others, but it's also bad because I feel too alone... unloved... and worthless.

I guess one of the only things I've kept from Harry is my anxieties and depression attacks that I get because I get left alone a lot. So in the holidays, I just need to keep myself really busy, far away from all things that can trigger me to drive down the route of suicide.

I stay well away from it.


"You have fun alone, squirt!" Jay smirked at me, ruffling my brown fringe just to annoy me, but I bite my tongue and stayed calm like always.

"Stay safe." Siva whispered to me before picking up his small suitcase stuffed with his clothes and shutting the apartment door behind him. Stay safe. That's what I needed to do.

What shall I do? The weather is nice out-I could go sit on the lawn and write some lyrics down. Good idea, Sykes!

I grabbed my songbook and a fresh pen before heading outside where the sun was shining high in the sky-not like London at all. You have to make the most of days like this, they don't come often. Instead of getting lyrics down on paper, I was soaking in the glorious sun, and thinking... about Harry.

Had I fully forgiven him? Do I want him back in my life? No and Yes.

I want him back so desperately. I need someone that I can rely on-can I rely on him? Can I trust him because he's blamed my 'friends' for an apparent 'set up'. I asked Siva for confirmation and he reluctantly and rather hesitantly admitted Harry was speaking nothing but the truth. Siva told me to stay safe. I think he meant to keep my heart safe.

In the two weeks we have as 'holiday', he doesn't want another heartbreak to occur. Harry is probably left anyway. I remember seeing Louis and Zayn drive off in the early hours of the morning yesterday, so does that mean they've all gone? Those two are the leaders so...

Harry. The name itself makes my heart flutter. I think of his curvy smile that reveals deep dimples and plump red lips that are amazing to kiss. I kissed Harry Styles. I can't believe I can finally say that? It seems unreal. The way he smiled at me was like a child getting the present of their dreams on Christmas day. Was I Harry's present?

Did I kiss alright? He was my first kiss... he is my first at a lot of things. I wish I was more guarded now! The kiss wasn't special because we were both drunk, but I remember it so vividly. Does he too-or was it a blur to him?

I've been such a frigid person this past week and completely run away whenever I see him in the corridor. In class I don't catch his eyes because I'll end up blushing and remembering the way his lips left a tingly sensation on mines. I'd remember the fireworks I felt being ignited when we touched... I'll remember so much and it'll inflict my decision of wanting him back.

What hurts the most though-is that he gets flirtatious looks from girls every second of the day. I just went to rip every piece of their hairs out of their head and kick their vagina's whenever they're on their periods. Jealously is the worst feeling in the world. It makes even the most innocent people angry as if the hulk.

"Hello stranger..." I'm suddenly snapped out of my daydream, meeting crystal blue sparkling eyes. He swears a small smile that I'm hoping would soon enlarge on his face. I did regret snapping at Niall previously--I must remember to apologise for that day!

"Hi. How are you?"

"Good... aren't you going to visit your family?" he asked me curiously. I noticed his car is parked outside his apartment with the boot open with suitcases in it. He's leaving. I won't have a friend to keep me sane.

"I-I don't. No, I'm not..." he doesn't need to know my painful life story. I don't want to be a burden on him.

"Ah, neither is Harry. Well... I guess I just wanted to check up on you. Harry told me about the punch. I know I should be angry because he's my mate, but I'm more surprised actually! I didn't expect you to have that in you!" Niall's laughter and happiness was always contagious and I find myself slowly chuckling with him.

"I didn't know I did either. Alcohol, I guess. Did you say... Harry's staying?" I tried to keep my happiness down, otherwise Niall would suspect my crush was developing again and probably start twenty questions on me.

Niall did notice, now smirking cheekily at me, "yes Nathan.. yes I did. I'll leave now and wish you both the best." he surprised me by embracing me quickly before yelling, "I SHIP YOU GUYS SO HARD!" and running off to the Jeep.

He ships us? What the heck is a ship? Why not a boat?-Oh whatever. Harry's home alone. So am I... Is this good or bad? Should I go over and be confident or should I wait for him to come to me, like always?


After about fifteen minutes of debating, I decided I should grow some balls and head over to his shared apartment to see him.

What I didn't plan though, was what I was meant to do when Liam Payne answered the door.

Oh... crap.

{{dun dun duuuun!;) So, what songs do you think would suit this fanfic? I was No Air by Chris Brown and Jordan Sparks ... but then again no? So, lemme know. Vote and Comment please? Thanks -Tanisha .x}}

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