C;13 - Liam.

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{{what do you think of the new cover?!?!?;D}}


"Why are you smiling so much? It isn't like you... what's new, Haz?" Liam prodded my stomach in a teasing way that seemed foreign to me. I would have to get used to this behaviour seeing as he's staying alone with me for the next few days... alone. Would he stop the hate? I guess so. I'm glad I'm not alone with Zayn-I would probably be murdered in my sleep!

"Can't one smile on a beautiful day?" I shrugged him off but truth was I was happy because I could maybe have some freedom from the stress all the guys have given me... and Niall hinted to me that Nathan's alone at home... I could try and fully win his heart back!

As much as I want to go over right now, I can't because what if Nathan gets annoyed with how desperate I am? I wouldn't be able to take another rejection from him again. Liam here is another problem. He thinks Nathan and I hate each other, so I can't just walk over to Nathan's apartment in a carefree manner without getting interrogated.

"Yeah they can-but it just isn't like you to smile so much. You got a girl on your mind?" playful Liam was starting to freak me out now... he was annoying.


"-oh, I forgot-I mean guy..." Liam awkwardly corrects himself and I want to face-palm myself because I'm not openly gay... so yes, the atmosphere is awkward right now.


"-can I tell you something? I don't want you to tell a soul though." before I could even argue and say I would rather not know, Liam goes ahead and continues to carry on talking.

"Louis and I once tired it... just for fun. We were really drunk and obviously straight, but yeah. Weirdest experience of my life!" Liam shakes his head and laughs loudly at the memory while I was grimacing. That is... weird. Why would he even tell me this?! NOW I CAN'T STOP PICTURING IT!

Liam is still laughing as the doorbell rings and he goes to get up and answers it--seems as I was in  a frozen, grossed out state. I hear the laughter suddenly stop and the sound of shouting is heard. Who could it be?

"N-Nathan?" I was just as surprised as Liam is to see the beautiful human at the door. Liam looked pretty vexed to be honest. Nathan is slightly shaking-most probably with fright.

"Why the hell are you here?!" Liam hissed at him and I just feel the urge to punch him.


"-we have a music project to do together. We're partners, put against our own will." I chirped in, saving both of our sorry butts. Nathan weakly nodded along with my stupid lie and excuse.

Liam looked unsurely between us both before behind Nathan's shoulder, "and where is your gang?"

"Umm... home... to see their families..." Nathan looked down at the floor as he seemed to know what the next question that would follow... So did I.

"And why aren't you gone to see your family?"

"Why aren't you going to see your family, Liam?" I butted in, questioning the muscular tone guy beside me, who's puppy brown eyes met mines with confusion.

"Why does it matter?"

"So why do we need to know Nathan's life story-I for one, couldn't care less. I just want to get this stupid project over with." Nathan held hurt in his eyes for a few second before he probably figured out why I was being so cold-he figured out my role play.

 "Riiight... well, I'm going down to the gym. Hopefully he'll be gone in a how or so." and Liam headed out the front door. I kept watching Liam leave, until he was safely out of view I embraced Nathan tightly.

"I missed you so much." I whisper breathlessly into his ear. I feel the goose bumps prick across his bare neck's skin and I smirk to myself-this is the effort I have an him. So cute.

"I-I did too." he admits sheepishly and we soon have to part because I didn't want any bystanders to interrupt the only time we have alone with one another.

"So why are here, baby?"

I see the blush creep across his cheeks at my pet name and I can't help but smirk deeper, "I-I guess I-I wanted to s-see you..."

He's back to his unconfident self. I do like this Nathan a lot, almost as much as drunk one. Nathan unconfident, mainly insecure Nathan-I have an excuse to compliment him freely without being a paedophile.

"What's new-then? Anything exciting?" I sat down on the sofa and patted the space beside me for him to perch on, which he did-keeping same unneeded distance between us.

"N-no... nothing at all. The b-boys have gone to see their f-families... and I'm alone... s-so..." Nathan scratched the back of his neck nervously while I watched his curvy light pink lips love gracefully as he talked... weird, I really have an obsession.

"Oh, that's cool. Some with the guys here. I'm not though. My family hate me." I shrug simply as if it's no big deal-but it really is a big deal. I miss them like crazy.

I ran away because I couldn't take the pressure I got to be so perfect in the household. I couldn't take the hurt I felt when I saw the man my who was soon to be my step father either. My sister was giving me a lot of stick too, blaming me as the reason for the divorce of our parents... so, I just left. Met Louis-and regretted it all.

Looking at Nathan now, his green eyes sparkling, he was my hope. He was the reason I'm still sane right now. He's the best thing that's happened to me because of being in this stupid 'gang', everything else is stupid and useless.



His green eyes looked up into my own and my breath hitched slightly as they were more stunning then ever. I was getting lost in them-I need a map.

We were currently curled up together, his head on my shoulder, talking about life. It was mainly me talking about my life because I know he doesn't trust me fully yet... I'll gain it back though. One way or another. I was playing with his soft brown hair between my fingertips because it was cute.

"I-I... I think that I'm in lo-"

"-HOME HAZZA!" springing apart from each other, now in the opposite ends on the sofa, it was the distance between England and Australia. I wanted him nearer-but Liam would kill us both... eh, he's not as bad as Zayn-I guess.

"And you're still here. What happened to your project, where is it?" Liam questioned us, looking around the room. I gulped. Nathan looked like he was going to pass out.

"We were arguing." I say stupidly.

"For an hour?"

"That's how much we can't get along." I nod my head still feeling stupid.

Liam looks between us both as if he's trying to solve the puzzle between us, and read our minds before he heads up the stairs and we breathe out a sigh of relief.

Now what was I going to tell Nathan?

{{hey. Comment and Vote please? Thankyaa- uhh the feels from the gif on the side urgh Tanisha .x}}

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