C;8 - Demons.

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A slow torturous week has gone by and I've started to loose the will to smile again... to be honest, I never used to smile--not before Harry came along. I can't believe he told them--he told them my biggest secret--I really did trust him, as well! Seems to me you have to keep your friends close but enemies closer, seeing as you can't trust anyone now a days! I regret letting my guard down when I was around him, and I should've known better... I knew he'd leave me, they all leave sooner or later.

Betrayal hurts so much, adding to the heartache of being away from him--I have to fight it though. He's not worth my tears.

Currently I'm alone when I'm supposed to be eating Lunch in the cafeteria, but instead seeing as I had lost my appetite, I'm here--in the only place that feels like home--the music room.

I'm drowning my sorrows out in the newest song that I was composing... maybe one day I could get signed, do this--this hobby for a living. I would love that--but it is impossible.

"All my life I played like a winner, and all I see looking back in the mirror is demons in my head, the demons in my head. Oh. Oh. All this time, a saint was a sinner, jokes on me a stone cold killer, demons in my head, the demons in my head. Oh. Oh."

"You have a natural sway, and you know how sweet you taste, but I can't take your flame, like a bullet through my veins. As you scratch beneath my skin, my resistance crumbling. I cover up but it shows, but I guess you know you can.--"

I heard the sound of loud clapping from the doorway and I immediately stop playing the piano, turning wearily to see the intruder.

He wears a big smile, showing off his pearly white teeth and his blue eyes are shining, "Nath, buddy! You have some serious talent!" Niall grins at me before walking in without my invitation, shutting the door behind him. Urgh, I need to be alone!

"Thanks." I mumble, not sure what to say because I'm certainly not used to compliments.

"How you been, mate? Long time no see--though I kinda figured you'd be here."

"Have you been stalking me?" I raised an eyebrow at him curiously. This kid is weird--though he's the same age as me and all.

He laughed a contagious sound, causing my lips to turn up and twitch into a smile but I soon forced it to dissolve, "No. Well yeah. I guess you can say that. It's better me finding you then one of the mother lads. I mean after all, you and I are mates--"

"--we are?" well that was certainly news to me! Last time I checked, I haven't got any friends.

"Yeah, 'course! Just because the two gangs we're in are enemies, doesn't mean we can't be mates!"

"Umm... actually, it kinda does, Niall." he's more stupid then he looks. Dumb blonde.

He narrowed his eyes at me and sighed, "I don't know what happened between you and Harry but I know something did. Harry's been sulking and he's always staring at you from afar. It's cute but slightly creepy too. And looking at you, hearing your songs--I know something's happened."

"It's really none of your business though, Niall. I don't want to talk about him." I refuse to say his name because the pain in my heart will return. I'm learning to prevent and contain the pain.

"I know--I know. I just--I just care about my mates, yanno? I hate seeing people I love, sad." Niall sighs, perching down in the seat beside me.

I stand up abruptly, not being able to control how annoyed I am any longer, "for the last damn time; we're not friends! Please-leave. me. alone!!!!!"

And even though he's pretty startled, he still leaves without another word. His blue eyes are no longer sparkling, they're full of sadness and sorrow now... I feel bad now.

Maybe this is why I can't keep friends.

{{hey! How was that?;D Aw Nialllllll is trying to make friends but Naaaaath is just being a prick, can't blame him--Heartbreak changes you. Anyways! Comment your views, and vote please please please, love you all-Tanisha .xox}}

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