Part 1

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Chris was both pleased and distraught to realize that so far, he had never encountered any real challenge in his life. His family was fairly well-off, he was fit and charming with a sweet tongue, which resulted in him always having his way with adults and girls, and he was smart despite his attempts to not appear too much so. He had never known the struggle of having to put actual effort into a task to achieve it, or the feeling of dread at the thought of failing. To say that it had an effect on his ego was the biggest understatement. Chris' self-confidence was in the stratosphere.

That is, of course, until that one thing happened – Chris would later refer to it as his very own deus ex machina. He was in his last year, it was supposed to be the best year ever – the girls throwing themselves at him, the Russ bus, the perspective of freedom being at arms' length. Yet somehow, it did not go according to Chris' plan at all.

It all started with the arrival of fresh meat. And by fresh meat he meant the girls in first year, some of which would soon be targeted by the Penetrators and become a new tally on their bag. They had racked up a pretty nice body count so far. One of the prettiest new girls had mistaken Chris for another person named Chris and that was the beginning of it all, that's how the two groups came in contact in the first place.


When Eva's friends heard of her accidental encounter with Penetrator Chris, they flipped and urged her to flirt with him so they would get invited to the Penetrators' parties. Eva, who was very much in couple and in love with her boyfriend Jonas, refused, which caused a serious amount of complaining to ensue and a rent from Sana about how their entire future social life depended on whether or not they would go to that party.

"Your relationship status is becoming a problem," Sana said with a pointed expression. Eva's jaw dropped at this.

"Just tell him that's you have a boyfriend but that you'd still like to come to the party," Vilde exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Yeah, because he's totally going to accept and respect that," Elin snapped, rolling her eyes and drawing the attention to her. There was a long silence before Sana spoke up again.

"You do it then."

"What?" She squealed. "Maybe I also have a boyfriend!"

"Do you?" Vilde asked softly.

"No, bu-"

"Then it's settled, you flirt with Chris," Sana decided, grabbing Elin's phone from her pocket. "Hey! Stop, what are you going? He doesn't even know me, he only met Eva!"

"Yes but he undressed you with his eyes when he walked by and winked at Eva," Sana said in a plain tone as if it was the most mundane thing she had ever said. She began to type something on Elin's phone, who cursed for not having a password on her phone.

"Do you know his instagram?" Vilde asked, leaning over Sana's shoulder to see what she was doing.

Completely ignoring her, Sana started going through his pictures and liked every single one of them despite Elin's vocal protesting and she only stopped because Elin took her phone back.

"Stop it!" Elin almost screamed. "This is stupid, I'm a stranger to him and I would never stalk a boy on instagram, if I want to speak to someone I do it face to face."

"Even better, go talk to him!" Vilde said, rejoicing at Elin's seemingly willingness to participate in their plan to mingle with the 97' boys. She was smiling so wide it was hard to refuse and crush her hopes and dreams. Elin groaned and swallowed back her harsh comment about how inappropriate it was to manipulate people and use her phone without asking her first.

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