Part 8

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Chris liked to think that he let her stay, however it was closer to the truth to say that she simply didn't ask permission and laid down with him after their tiring late night exercise and shower. She had never been more glad that Chris was a rich kid who had a private bathroom. The first thing that happened the next morning was Elin screaming when she fell off the bed.

She was going to roll over and snuggle her blanket, but instead she felt the cold, hard ground, because- aah right, she didn't sleep in her studio. Chris sat straight up on his bed and gave frenzied looks all around him.

"I'm here!" Elin grumbled, raising her hand.

"Why are you on the floor?" Chris asked and yawned, reaching out to help her get back under the covers. "It's freezing!"

"Yeah, tell me about it," Elin laughed and sneaked back in bed. She shifted closer to Chris and his body heat – or his body in general.

"Don't tell me you're a cuddler," he laughed, leaning against the headboard as Elin placed her chin on his shoulder. He still put his arm over her shoulders, a gesture so natural that it only occurred to him that it shouldn't be, after doing it.

"I'm not!" Elin exclaimed. Being a cuddler was never supposed to be an insult, but it was a tad too mushy for either of them. "Cuddlers cuddle in their sleep, or spoon, I'm merely taking advantage of your warmth," she said.

Her fingers mindlessly roamed over his chest until his hand flew up and grabbed hers.

"I didn't know there were rules!" He laughed and messily brushed his hair back. "Hey, listen, I'm not trying to corrupt you or anything, but since we're already late and you probably never missed a day of school in your life, I think today would be a great day to do it for the first time."

"What?!" She squealed and climbed over Chris to get her phone. It was blowing up with messages and missed calls she didn't see because she put it on silent. "It's past ten!"

"I know, might as well stay in bed today." Chris shrugged. No biggie.

"What do you mean stay in bed? I can't stay in bed!" It was ludicrous! She had to go.

Elin began to grab her stuff but she didn't get past the underwear. Her clothes were somewhere in the house, drying from yesterday, and the only other clothes at her disposal were the yogga pants and cashmere sweater.

"Elin," Chris said, wrapping his arms around her from behind. She didn't expect him to be up. "Calm down, one day off won't kill you, it might even do you good."

"Speak for yourself, I don't thin-" Elin began to say but he cut her off.

"You're some kind of genius, stop worrying!"

"I'm not!"

"So are!" He teased her.

"I have to work just like everyone else!" She protested, looking immensely offended. "Twice as hard as you probably!"

"Why do you say that?" He frowned, thinking, but not saying, that two times zero was still zero.

"Subjects like math and biology are the same everywhere, but I'm so far behind in history and literature, I had to spend the whole summer catching up with summer classes."

"You took summer classes?!" Chris almost choked on thin air. Of course she did. "Don't you love yourself?"

Elin rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. He puts his hands on her shoulders.

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