Part 2

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He did stop bothering her (sort of). At least, directly. His behavior still bothered her though, and Elin was ready – and more than willing – to break his legs next time she saw him go anywhere near Eva. That jerk had to go and fuck around with her friends – the next best option to her and to get on her nerves? - and now Eva had continuous fights with Jonas. All of that because Chris felt like kissing Eva. It was fucked up enough on his part to do this knowing she was in a relationship but now that Elin knew he was too, she felt like snapping his neck. She wasn't a violent person, but she was very imaginative and was dreaming about various ways to get back at him.

Also – and this was difficult for her to admit – she felt a little cheated because he had seemed so adamant to win her over. Being wrong didn't happen often to Elin (though it still occurred to her more frequently than to Sana) and whenever it did happen, it was always a huge shock to her. Had she misinterpreted Chris' intentions toward her? No, he did ask her out. It's not like she could have made it up, it was still on her phone. Truth be told, Elin was furious – like out of her mind furious – and not just because her pride was wounded, but because Chris used Eva to get to her, and she was also mad because he cheated on his girlfriend, who was completely oblivious to the situation and didn't deserve this. Just to mess with him, and to make things clear, Elin pulled out her phone and quickly typed a message.

To Ultimate Fuckboi™:

Wanna meet up tonight? ;)

He couldn't have answered any faster if he were waiting for her text.

From Ultimate Fuckboi™:

Your place or mine? (with the eggplant emoji, of course)

To Ultimate Fuckboi™:

NVW wrong person :)

When Elin was sure that her smiley face couldn't be interpreted in any other way than being sarcastic, she hit send. At the very least this brought an final point to Elin's internal monologue. Chris simply was a player. A misogynistic (how else could she call someone with so little respect for women?) asshole, who liked to collect girls like trophies and cared little about their feelings. Elin wasn't worried about her own feelings, but hell if she was going to let him play with Eva.

From Ultimate Fuckboi™:

That was a low blow.

To Ultimate Fuckboi™:

I play at your level.

When Chris read this last text, he saw red. Equally impressed and insulted, he locked his phone and tossed it on his bed. Who did she think she was? How could she resist him like that? Chris would have considered her liking girls if he hadn't seen her hook up with one of his friends. William said he had a similar problem with Noora, but Chris quickly dismissed the possibility of actually liking Elin – which was William's case, he literally couldn't shut up about Noora anymore. Elin wasn't likeable. She was bold, proud, uninhibited, aware of her beauty and competitive. She was hot and her confidence was a plus. She was desirable, that was the right word, not likeable. Chris couldn't remember when this tacit game of 'catch me if you can' began between the two of them, but it become increasingly obvious that they were playing a sick game. And the first one to give in to the other was going to lose. In Chris' humble opinion, she stood no chance.

The next time they talked face to face happened two weeks later – two weeks scattered with daily pickup lines Chris sent her, daily rejections on her part, and very active flirting going on on both sides, just not with each other. He could see her talk, smile, laugh, touch, flirt with other guys all day long. She did it shamelessly, not caring if the guy she targeted wasn't alone, she wasn't afraid to make the first move, or to be rejected. Elin was – and it took Chris everything he had in him to admit that – his female alter ego. The word was that she hooked up with most of the guys he had seen her with, and soon she had a reputation. Not a good one. Although Chris never really gave it a piece of mind, he realized how discriminatory it was that she was called bad names and he was praised, despite both of them doing the same thing.

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