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Some time later...

The sun rays that filtered through the window curtains warmed Elin's back, sending waves of bliss through her body as she further cradled her pillow against her chest, her face firmly pressed in it. This was perfection, that must be what heaven felt like: a lazy morning, clean sheets and the sun hitting her naked skin. Usually the chilly air of the bedroom woke her up whenever the sheets slipped down her body during the night, and then she had trouble falling back asleep. She wasn't really sleeping anymore right now, but she was still drowsy and way too comfortable to even think about getting up.

Elin tried to grab a little more of the sheets to bring them over her and wrap herself in them, but when she rolled around she felt the edge of the bed. Her eyes snapped open and she prepared to hit the floor but something held her back.

"Gotcha," Chris' sleepy voice said from behind her, his arm wrapped around her to prevent Elin from falling again. "We could sleep on the floor if you don't like the bed, ya know?"

His eyes were closed still, but Elin knew by the sound of his voice that he was fairly awake now. She rolled back around and pressed her body against his side, letting her chin rest against his shoulder.

"Or maybe we should put a baby bed fence on your side of the bed," he teased her, and Elin felt his chest vibrate from his laughter. She pinched his side and he yelped a bit.

"Do I look like a fucking baby to you?" Elin snapped at him in a playful tone. "Besides, who says I'm not doing it deliberately? I know you like to catch me, it gives you a sense of purpose and a reason to wake up every morning."

"Mmh, I love hearing sarcasm first thing in the morning," he replied, prompting a laughter from her.

"How can you forget that the edge of the bed is on your left side, every morning?" He asked. "Just roll the other way, the worst thing that could happen is you accidentally punching me in the face."

Elin used her hands to support her chin and gazed at Chris, who smirked down at her.

"You'd rather get punched than catch me?" She grinned. "That's pretty messed up."

"No. You're the only pretty thing here," he replied, one of his hands already slipping behind Elin's back to brush up and down her spine.

"Who are you and what have you done to Christoffer?" Elin asked, pulling away from him. "I've never heard so much mushy nonsense come out of your mouth all at once."

"Shit," he swore, looking away and staring at the ceiling. "I was trying to be romantic, it's more difficult than I thought."

"You'll get the hang of it" she reassured him, gently patting his shoulder. "I'm hungry, aren't you hungry?"

"Does it involve leaving the bed?" He grumbled.

"Well," Elin said, biting on her lip. "I'm not a expert, but food is in the kitchen, not in the bedroom, so..." she said, stretching out the 'so'.

"You're making a valid point," Chris admitted. "C'mon, let's get out of bed before I change my mind," he urged Elin before throwing off the duvet.s

The cold air hit their naked bodies and a chill cursed through Elin's body before Chris handed her one of his shirts to cover herself. He usually wasn't one for encouraging Elin to wear something, but it was mid-January, and the heating system had trouble playing it role when it was so cold outside.

"Pancakes? Bacon? Cereals?" He asked as they walked to the kitchen.

"Waffles," Elin said, and Chris rolled his eyes at her because of course, she had to chose a fourth option.

She jumped on the counter. It was routine that Chris cooked breakfast, he was good at it, and he was more of an early bird than Elin. She was capable of setting the house on fire if he let her use the stove before her morning coffee. He quickly prepared the mixture and when the first waffles were in the waffle maker, he put the whip down and came to stand between Elin's legs, his hands finding her thighs as though that's where their rightful place was, and he couldn't help but let them slid up and under her shirt – his shirt – as he leaned in to kiss her. It was nicer than he ever would have thought to live with her. It was Saturday, he didn't have to work, she didn't have class, they were just the right amount of sleepy and needy at this time of the day. The smell of waffles filled the air, and the coffee was brewing.

"Remember when we thought your parents were at work, so we started making out in your kitchen in this exact position?" She giggled, smiling in the kiss as he moved his hands to the small of her back to bring her forth.

"They had stayed home because Anja was sick," he said, the whole scene replaying in his head. "The horror on their face."

"'Hey mom and dad, I promise it's not what you think it is'," Elin tried to imitate Chris' voice.

"My voice is sexier than that," he said, shaking his head.

It was true, what could she say?

"At least, it spared you the trouble of awkwardly introducing me as my girlfriend after spending weeks claiming we were just friends," Elin reminded him.

"My mom knew though," Chris said, grabbing two cups in the cupboard behind Elin and pouring them coffee.

"What? How?" She asked with a stunned expression, her eyes going wide.

"I don't know, but she never bought the 'just friends' act. Only dads are oblivious enough for that."

"Anyway, it completely ruined what good impression they had of me," Elin sighed, taking the graciously offered cup of coffee and smelling the familiar scent.

"Not so sure." Chris shrugged and they cheered before taking the first sip of their morning coffee. "But we can always spend Christmas with your parents if you can't even look at mine without thinking about... the incident. Do they even like me?" He frowned, suddenly realizing that he had never asked.

Chris was always Chris, and confidence was still his trademark. That was a huge perk for his job, but it often earned him a frank eye-roll from Elin.

"Are you kidding? They didn't know what to expect when I said I want them to meet the person I was dating, I think they were just relieved to find out you weren't my forty year old lesbian lover."

It was hard to say what her parents thought, they were both renowned psychologists and didn't let that many emotions filter through. But they were definitely glad to see that Chris was a proper young man with apparently no psychotic disorder, and the same age as their daughter. The fact that he was a dashing twenty-three year old man wasn't factoring in in their judgment. This barely checked the 'acceptable suitor' case, but Chris was sufficiently self-assured to take this as a compliment.

"Your dad scares me a little though," Chris confessed, a shiver running down his spine. "He never smiles at me and he stares at me like I'm some expensive leather jacket and he's wondering if I'm worth my price."

"A leather jacket, really?" Elin laughed.

"Yes, it's manly and smooth, just like me," he replied matter-of-factly.

This unfailing logic brought a fond smile on Elin's face and she put her cup on the counter and pulled Chris in for a kiss. Chris liked to listen to himself speak, the sound of his own voice was probably the sweetest he could hear, but Elin could always make him shut up when he was becoming a little cocky. One of her many tricks was as simple as a kiss.

Christoffer gave in without much resistance anyway, even if he suspected she did it only to make him stop talking, he was also a big fan of her methods and didn't complain in the least. Chris returned the kiss with twice as much fervor, the need to out-love her always taking precedence whenever she showed him affection. Elin was aware of that and she took full advantage of it. Chris did quick handiwork of her shirt and soon it decorated the floor, leaving her in the nude, sitting on the kitchen counter with Chris between her thighs. Elin moved closer and pressed tightly against him in a way that suggested the waffles were long forgotten.

"Shit! The waffles!" Chris exclaimed, running over to the waffle maker which was beginning to emit some smoke.

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