Chapter 6

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As I wandered the streets, I thought about the events that occured just after breakfast. The man that grabbed me... he gave me a weird feeling. And those eyes. They're definitely going to stick with me and probably haunt my dreams. Fun.

I was making my way to this small store that threw almost everything out, when I had a weird feeling. There were people rushing everywhere, but it felt like someone was staring at me. Like they were watching my every move.

I spun around but no one seemed out of place; people were just walking past me. I shrug off the feeling. I was just being paranoid.

I made it to the store after a five minute walk. Since I lived on the edge of downtown, the five minute walk took me out to an area where there weren't as many tall buildings, but more small cottages.

I walked into the store and said hello to the cashier. She didn't say hi back. Talk about rude.

I pretended to look at some clothes. They looked really cheap. I don't have much money, maybe ten dollars, but I wasn't going to spend it on this. It's my emergency money.

I waited for the cashier to go into the back room (which took forever) and then I began stuffing my bag with anything that would keep my and Sparky warm for the chilly seasons. I got about two jackets, a fluffy blanket, a pair of weird shaped boots before the cashier walked out.

She noticed what I was doing and immediately reached for the phone. Ugh, what is up with my luck today?! I do this all the time and not once have I gotten caught.

I dashed out of there before the cashier lady could do anything. I heard her yelling something about crazy teenagers. Whatever that means.

I rounded to the back of the store, where the dumpsters are. I found some worn out jeans and two sweatshirts. Score!

I stuffed everything into my bag and left the store behind me.

Usually, I would hed back into downtown, but today I wanted to explore. I went the opposite way of home and started heading to the quiet looking neighbourhood.

It had cottages of different sizes. They were all so sweet-looking. It was much more relaxing here than it was in downtown. I loved it.

I kept walking, admiring the houses, when one blue cottage caught my eye. Mainly because there was an old woman watching me through the window. She looked sweet. I waved to her but she didn't wave back. What is up with all these rude people?

She was kind of creeping me out so I speed-walked past her house. Her old eyes followed me. It was weird.

I ended up at a playground. There were children everywhere. They were having so much fun. When I was they're age I was only learning how to survive alone. They don't know how lucky they are.

I decided to go sit on a park bench and watch the kids. Sure, it sounds creepy. But it was a wonderful sight.

I tried to listen on the birds chirping and the trees swishing in the wind. It was so.... relaxing. I wanted to just fall into a deep sleep right here, right now and never wake up.

I close my eyes, but in about five seconds, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked behind the park bench to find a girl about  my age. She was gorgeous. She had wavy blonde hair, and her face looked perfect. She had a few freckles on her nose but they went so well with her green eyes. I may as well have fallen in love with her, like a little girl falls in love with a doll. 

"Hey, I'm Riley," she said. Wait a minute, she was talking to me?! What is this. I haven't talked to another girl my age in forever, and suddenly this beauty comes along and says hi. What.

She was looking at me. Why was she staring at me? Did I do something already? I smiled at her. I'm simply being polite, right?

"This is the part where you introduce yourself," she says. Oh! But I don't know my name. Think of something, anything...

"Oh, I'm Skye," I replied. Is that even a name? I think I've heard it somewhere before. It sure is a lovely name.

Riley flashed me a white toothed smile. "I couldn't help but notice that you were sitting alone, and, well, I just moved here so I thought I could make some new friends, you know?" I barely caught any of the words she said. She talks way too fast. I laughed.

"Yeah, well, I don't live around here. Sorry," I stood up to leave but instead she sat down on the bench and pulled me down with her.

"C'mon," she whined. "I'm here with my little sister and I am bored out of my mind." She pointed at a minature version of herself, playing in the sand. The kid was building what seemed by a castle? I don't know.

"So, got any friends?" she asked. I shook my head. Well, I have Sparky, but I don't think she meant him. "So, what, you're like a loner?" she half-laughed. I shrugged.

"I guess, I don't know," I told her. This is so weird. I was having a conversation with a person. As in another human being! She looked so... normal. But different. I've seen kids my age before and they looked so different from Riley. But, just like them, she seemed to have a regular life.

"I know this is a total kindergarten move, but do you wanna be like, I don't know friends?" She smiled at me, and she sounded like she actually meant it.

I was in shock. How do you even have a friend? Like what? "Um, yeah," I said. "We should like hang out and stuff." I heard a guy tell some chick that once, and since they were my age, I guess it's what kids these days say.

"Well, are you busy right now?" I slowly shook my head. She giggled and stood up, "Then you are so coming over to my house."

She began walking away from me and I just sat there. Was I just invited somewhere? No, I must've been imagining everything. I'm going crazy.

She turned around to me and said," Skye. We're going to my house. Like, now."

Well, okay then.


Hey, so, I'm going to try to update as much as I can because I haven't updated in literally FOREVER, but that's because my laptop broke down. So I don't have it back yet { it's getting fixed } so I'm using my dad's laptop from now on. And it's weird. So, I'll try to update when I can. And THANKYOU for if you're still reading. I love you all. MWAH.






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