Chapter 7

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Riley's house was two houses down from the park. It looked bigger and a little out of place compared to the other smaller cottages. She explained that the house was rebuilt right before she moved.

The inside looked amazing. It looked like... like what I think a proper home should look like. We walked through the front door to face a hallway. It branched off into a living room, the kitchen, the dining room, the basemet and a second floor.

Riley gave me a tour of the entire house. My favourite was her bedroom. It was green and had posters of all sorts of bands I've never heard of up on the walls. Her bed was against a window that was surrounded by a string of lights. Everything looked so happy. I wish I could live here.

But I can't. The streets are my home. That's where I belong.

Riley sat on her bed and patted the space next to her. I sat beside her. "Where are your parents?" I asked.

There was a flicker of sadness in her eyes, but it went out so quickly, I thought it was just my imagination.

"They're out of town," she simply told me. She didn't elaborate, but I wasn't going to press her. "You got any siblings?" she asked me, changing the subject.

I shook my head no. Maybe I did, but I didn't know it. How cool would it be to have a sister! Or a brother! Well, I guess you could count Sparky as a sibling... he's been with me forever. "Do you?"

"Yeah, little sister. I showed you at the park, remember?" she answered. Right, I knew that. I just nodded.

I think this is how normal conversations went. I loved it. Then, I just remembered that I had to get home by noon. I checked the flower clock above Riley's door and noticed it was 11:45am. I really should get going.

"Hey, Riley," I said. I didn't want to leave but I kind of had to. Yay. "I really have to go. But it was really nice meeting you."

I stood up and I began to go downstairs when I felt someone grab my arm. I immediately thought of the man this morning, but he wouldn't be inside of Riley's home, right?

I turned around to find Riley. Good. But she was holding out a phone... what? "Put in your number," she told me.

"What?" I was utterly confused. I didn't know what my "number" was. This is what I get from living differently than other teenagers.

"You're cell number," she said, slower as if I was deaf or something. Oh! She wanted my cellphone number? But I don't have one...

"I don't have a phone," I told her. Riley looked in shock. What did I do now? Man, I have to hurry up or Sparky will start freaking out if I'm late.

"HOW DO YOU SURVIVE," she stated, loudly. Wait, does she know I'm on the streets? No, she couldn't have. I barely know this girl. I shouldn't even be in this house. I started for the door again, but just before I made it out, Riley stopped me again.

"Skye, you're a teenager and you don't have a phone?!" she sounded so surprised.

"Well, yeah," I shrugged it off like it was nothing. Which it was. But apparently it's not normal to not have a phone at this age. What's up with that?

"Fine," she said, sighing. "Can you at least meet me at the park tomorrow around 1?"


Riley smiled. "Yay, okay, see ya then," she blew me a kiss as I walked out the door.

I waved back. "Bye."


By the time I got home, Sparky was already there. When he saw me enter the alleyway, he ran up to me and licked my face. I laughed. I loved Sparky.

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