Chapter 10

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As usual, I brushed my teeth as best I could and tried to weave my fingers through my hair. Sparky was doing whatever he does during the mornings: pace around a little, lick my face a little, nudge things to the side to sort of clean the place up, whatever he can.

Then we set out to Starbucks for breakfast. As per usual, we passed the friendly other homeless people. Today, Nathan was playing this awesome song on his violin. It wasn't classical or anything but, damn it was beautiful. Jeff was shuffling his magic, worn-out cards. And Drake was looking more dead-eyed than usual with a styrofoam cup in his hand. 

I passed all of them with a friendly smile and wave. Nathan even winked at me. He's adorable. 

Sparky and I arrived at Starbucks just as the Waster was coming out of the cafe. She took one last sip of her drink and left it on the table with two donuts.

I have a feeling she knows about me and Sparky, but how could she? We always make sure she's gone by the time we dig in. 

Just in case, I watched the Waster walk around the corner before we advanced to the food. Each of us get our donut now. None were even touched by her. Thank you for that.

My donut had sprinkles on it today and Sparky got the simple chocolate one. Mine was amazing, just like the first I'd tried yesterday. 

Sparky and I shared the rest of the coffee. I don't think Sparky is on a very healthy diet. Today, I'll check anywhere that I can get dog food. He should be eating normally, not our food.

After devouring our food, we head home. I kept myself alert just in case, oh I don't know, I have to fight off a weird man and a cop. Luckily, that wasn't the case, and Sparky and I got home safely.

I didn't really converse with Sparky because I had my whole day going through my thoughts. Today I meet up with Riley and Darla. Maybe I should bring Sparky with me when I go meet Riley. Yeah, she'll love him.

We did our proper routine before we both head out. I played strangers, then a cop. Sparky played his role perfectly.

"Hey," I said, just before we head out. "Today, you're gunna meet one of my friends okay?"

He gave me a quizzical look, as if to say You have friends?

I laughed. "Yeah, I know. After lunch, okay?"

Sparky barked in response, understanding. 

"Good. I'll see ya."

I gave him a quick kiss and he left. 

I sorted through the stuff lying around and put it in to the Box of Stuff or into a corner. Still with my ridiculous T-shirt on, I pulled on the sweater I found yesterday. 

It was getting chilly, and, damn, this sweater was warm. 

I grabbed my, now empty, duffel bag and the iPod, and also head out. 

Just like yesterday, I went a little out of the city and to where all the small cottages lined the road. Again, I passed them all with adoration. They were all so lovely.

If I could choose a house to live in, I wouldn't choose a million dollar mansion or a super expensive apartment that overlooked the city. I'd choose one of these comfy looking cottages. 

Once again, I passed the small blue cottage, the one where the woman in the window. Today, she was sitting on a rocking chair on her porch. She was just rocking back and forth, until I stepped into her view. 

She immediately stopped rocking the chair and turned her head towards me. Her eyes followed me as I walked by.

I didn't mean to stare, but I couldn't help myself. 

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