1~ the beginning

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Day 1:

Sapphire's POV

Tears stuck to my face from the previous night before. The headache was still hear. Quickly I turned off my alarm, forcing my body to sit up. Slowly I rolled my pale knees to my chest, all I felt was pain. Pain everywhere. Inside and out. I had lost everything. My friends, family, pets, most importantly myself.

Placing my feet onto the wood floor the shivers filled my body. Walking to my mirror, I felt disgusted. Disgusted in what I saw. My thighs felt huge. I pushed my hair from my mid-brest to the back of my back.




Thunder thighs

Fat ass

Continuous, it didn't stop, I turned from the mirror and went to the bathroom, only to see another reflection of something I didn't want to see. The makeup from the night before dried to my face.

Turning on the shower I took off the bra, followed by undergarments. I turned to my side looking at my body, I wasn't happy. I looked at my arms, they weren't leaving. The wounds. I raised my arms, sucking my gut in.


Pulling my sweater over my my head, pulling out my black hair, and I watched it fall. Going back into my bedroom, I pulled a pair of black skinny jeans from the drawer... The size was sickening.

After pulling them on, I went back into the bathroom. Plastering a ton of makeup to my face. Leaving the bathroom, i listened through the hallway walls as the grumbling continued to grow. the pounding in my head grew louder and louder, i needed to go soon. Speeding my pace i pushed the home button of my phone, it read 6:55 a.m. it takes me about 20 minutes to get to school, now that im walking.


Anxiety grew louder and louder, and the school came closer and closer to my sights. Over and over I told my self to calm down, to think of the positives. But their wasnt any. Istead it was a never ending roller coaster this was physical. No matter where I turned I felt like I was being watched. Judged, and most of all I felt alone. Alone inside my own head.

3rd Period

Third period was possibly my favorite hour, I didn't have to move at all, and it was the hour right before lunch. But it was my favorite subject: language arts.

Clutching my binder close to my body I quickly moved into the classroom.

Shuffling my feet to my desk, I made it, plopping down sighing in relief. Placing my binder down the fabric from the sweater caught my flesh. Wincing silently, I turned my head down, placing my arm, in my lap.

Luke's POV

I never said anything to her but she looked like pain was killing her. Inside and out. She constantly wore huge black sweaters, or sweat shirts. But she always wore black skinny jeans.

"God she's a freak" the dark haired boy chuckled from besides me.

"Calum stop-" I tried but the blonde spoke.

"I bet that if it was really windy she'd blow away" he chuckled.

"Michael-" I spoke softer, but Ashton spoke, the oldest of the group.

"No, if the wind blows, Luke could have his chance to blow her mind!" He teased. Before I could say anything, the minute bell rang, and they all scattered.

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