battle grounds

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Endless battle that was always uphill
Now an endless dive off a cliff into the abyss
Trying to find where u failed at life
Where did it all go so wrong
I was there when it was too late
All in even when you said I can't wait
Been through hell and back
Finding so many areas where I lack
Dreams that will never be complete
Life that will never be seen
Words left on the floor
Empty spaces to fill once more
This time is different this day is new
For nothing new will fill this void
The crater left behind by the meteor that dissolved
Things left unspoken love left unfulfilled
Where is the point in all of this
Fight to go up hill yet fall faster to the ground
Stay fast and strong they say
For what it all to end anyway
Have faith they say
For what nothing happens when im in the way
Why read these words if all you feel is pain
Why share it for all to feel and imitate
Why not just end it all safe so much time and stress
I know for nothing ever comes to a true end?
Your thoughts are ridiculous
Your ideas pointless
Your actions fall intolerable
But u get up when knocked to the ground but y?
In hopes of it being the last round!
U made ur bed now lie in it
Try to figure it out while you're inside of it
I have taken my licks ran with my scars
Lived a life below subpar
Yet here I am still going strong
Expecting a love that will never end again
All for what to see false hopes and dreams
They say we live in a democracy but love feels to much like a dictatorship you see
Never wanting to say the wrong things or hurt who you love
Join the crew fighting the uphill battle
For they are the same who fell down the hill.

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