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Gravel digs into my knees as I kneel for the monster before me ,the man who took everything from me , the man I once loved . His icy blue eyes match the cold air that nips through my thin dress . In those eyes I see a horrid look of satisfaction ,reminding me that the beautiful boy he used to be is gone , in fact I don't think he ever was there .

"The woman here before me is Mare Molly Barrow ." Maven says spitting my name through clenched teeth . "For her crimes against the kingdom of Norta and humanity itself , this mutt who even amongst reds is an abomination will suffer for the death of our late queen Elara ." I study the floor as Maven speaks , for while his words are lies they do hold an element of truth. I did kill Elara and I have no regrets about it nor for any other silvers that I killed for the rebellion , and that is what makes me an abomination , for not feeling guilt after taking away their lives . Well I guess carma has came to bite me in the ass.

"For these crimes she will burn , and be sent back to hell where she belongs ." He finishes . He pulls on the chain attached to my collar roughly forcing me to be on my feet again, he walks in long strides making it hard for my short legs to keep up. As I stumble after him I see a tall white podium on the other side of the bridge , looking as if it were a holy relic . But I knew that the events that were going to take place there would not be holy they would be haunting .

Finally we reached it , the place where I would die. Four senitals worked with my chains , wrapping the one connected to the collar around the podium first followed by the ones on my arms and then the one around my legs. I don't know why they bothered with all the extra binding, for without my lightning I am just a small,thin teenage girl who lacks in the strength department especially around all this silent stone accompanied with the hunger rumbling in my stomach.

The crowd cheers at the sight of me bound as one of the senitals pours a tub of gasoline all over me , giving everyone a good view of what's under my white dress. To scared to blush I looked down at the hay at my feet as I see the gleaming armored ankles of a king next to me. He pulls my head up by grabbing my jaw forcing me to look at him. "This is for my mother ." He says fury radiating from his eyes . His hand lights up in flames and he bends down to touch the hay setting it on fire.

I feel the heat creep up my legs burning my soft flesh . Eventually I can't take it and I let out an agonizing scream. The pain i felt was indescribable as I saw my hands blackening before me .The smoke started to get caught in my lungs causing me to let out deep coughs that shook my body making my burns hurt more. As the flames engulfed me the pain subdued , there was no skin left to burn I soon realized . I felt a sudden cooling as what I think was water doused out the flames. My vision started to go white and the last thing I saw before the beauty of death engulfed  me were a pair of cold blue eyes.

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