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It has been four months three weeks and five days since I was released from that god  forsaken cell . Every day is practically the same I wake up at 6:02 AM and stare at the wall till Maven wakes up at exactly 8:00AM , he kisses my cheek than gets ready for his daily business as I do the same right before we go to eat breakfast while we make small talk . We finish at exactly 10:3o and then we go our separate ways , meaning I head back to our room where I count the seconds as they pass me by . At 1:47 my lunch is brought to me on a mocking silver tray where it sits until my stomach turns itself inside out from hunger at around 4:23 . Than , at about 7:20 I leave my chamber to go to dinner where I am then again joined by Maven where he starts unnecessary conversations that I am forced to listen to . At 10:06 we head back to our room where he has his way with me until he falls asleep at 12:11 .

Finally my favorite part of my day occurs : I pull a string out of our thick comforter and hide it in my pillow case along with the other 141  threads that I pulled each night I slept in this damned bed . Every dreary day a piece of me dies it's just a matter of time before I am completely gone. In fact I think I already am. You see I've accepted my fate , and the fact that my child will grow to be a monster like Maven . Like me . I cannot condemn them to that dreadful life . That's the reason why I tiptoed out of my bed and ran the bathtub till it was filled to the brim . That's the reason I took a shaver razor and carved two long slits into my wrist as I sat in the Luke warm water . My blood was a beautiful color and it stained the water a dark Crimson . And these are my last thoughts . The last thoughts of a red queen .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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