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I keep a tally as the days pass by scratching crooked lines into the silent stone walls . My cell is empty and damp , the perfect place to silently rot away . It's been three days since another human has made contact with me .I had been given no food or water since the day I arrived in my new prison ,the morning sickness has kicked in and the floor around me is covered in watery vomit . I almost believe I've been left here to die , but would Maven really kill me ? Would he kill his own child ? I don't know . I touch my stomach , trying to feel the fetus inside me but there is nothing but empty ribs . My period is due but has not came yet , concluding my suspicions .

The door slams open and a light turns on . My eyes burn from the sensation of actually being able to see again . " I've been informed that there is something you want to tell me ? " Maven glowers . I crawl up against the wall instantly as he strides toward me . "I-I. " I stuttered not able to form words . " spit it out ." He says sounding annoyed . I cower back with my head down , calling him here was obviously Samsons doing .

He eyes the vomit on the ground . " you disgust me ." He snarls , grabbing my wrists and forcing me to the floor . He kicks my side and I gasp , protectively wrapping my arms around my stomach . This child's father might be a monster , but he or she is still my baby and I will not lose them . This child is mine . This child is all I have left . He yanks me up by my arm roughly . " What the fuck do you have to say that is So important that I am called from a mandatory meeting to visit your dirty ass ." He yells his grip on my arm was so hard that it was sure to leave bruises later . " I choose you ." I blurt out in a rush . " I choose to be yours and only yours ." I say with desperation to save the unborn infant growing inside of me .

He lets go of me swiftly and I fall to my knees , bile spilling out of my mouth onto the floor . His eyes are filled to the brim with confusion . " Are you sure ? " he questions his tone soft . " you can't go back once you agree ." I nod at him but he Is not looking at me , his eyes are on the putrid liquid on the floor , fascinated with the chunks of old bread got in the vomit . " I'm sure ." I say my. Voice breathy and low , but he catches my words . I stumble to my feet leaning on a wall for support, every bone in my body was in excruciating pain and my limbs were protesting to sit down but I refuse to look any weaker to Maven than I already did .

He turns to face me , his eyes devouring every part of my figure . He pulls me toward him and I flinch in fear . "Oh Mare ." He sighs , speaking more to himself than me . He gently lifts me up resting one hand under my bum and the other on the small of my back . He carried me through the doors and up the long twisting staircase , We were so far underground that I could feel the heat from the earths core rising from the ground . This place really is hell .

I feel myself drift off into a dreamless sleeping his arms , not really caring whether or not I woke up . When I opened my eyes again ,I was in his room . I sit up on his bed and step off the high mattress . Someone changed me , I had fresh underwear and a clean oversized t -shirt . "Your awake ." A deep voice says , I turn to find Maven resting on a chair . " Who changed me . " I asked praying it wasn't him , the thought of him seeing me naked again sent chills down my spine . " One of the maids ." He said waving my question off . He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist breathing in my hair . "You smell like crap." He says bluntly , I nearly laugh at his words . " Let me clean you ." He whispered into my ear . I froze.

He walks me to the bathroom , I follow hesitantly . " Take off your cloths ." He demands , I follow his orders scared to disobey him . I take off the shirt my bare chest in full view . My underwear came off next giving him sight of my most vulnerable spot . I notice to tight bands around my wrist . Silent stone . Wherever I go it seems to follow . He walks around to go fill the tub his eyes never leaving my body as I look at the ground . I lift my head for a moment and catch my reflection in the mirror . I'm shockingly thin , and bruises cover my ribs in ugly purple splotches . My face looks worn and tired , a shadow of a once happy girl now reformed into an empty shell of a human being .

I feel myself guided into the tub of warm water my gaze still on the empty soul stuck in the mirror . I sat down in the boiling hot water making sure to cover my exposed chest with my arms and keep my legs firmly closed , to escape his predator like glance . He rolled his eyes in response picking up a bar of soap and running it down my arms . I shuddered away from his touch but he held me firmly in place with his tight grip , he seemed stronger than any strong arm I had ever encountered. He began to gently massage my breast with soap , pulling on my pink , hard rosebud nipples that seemed to fall right in between his fingers . As his hands traveled down my stomach my heart dropped . Could he feel the heartbeat coming from the little life inside me ? Would he destroy it ? He always has taken everything from me so why stop now ?

He ignores the slight lump in my stomach and puts his hands to what I believe is his favorite spot . He disregards the soap entirely and lowers his head down in between my legs . "You are something else Mare ." He says to himself his eyes not leaving my now wet vagina . His tongue slowly , but surely finds its way into my entrance , piercing the delicate flesh of my pussy causing me almost immediately to give myself up to the ecstasy . " Cum in my mouth baby ." His husky voice echoes . I try to ignore his vulgar words to protect the last shed of dignity I have left but my body says otherwise as his mouth explored my insides , making sure to hit every pleasure bringing spot I have . I realease into his mouth letting out a loud Moan as I did so , he licks me until none of my fluids remain in me . I guess he really did clean me

The rest of the night went in a blur as I tried to focus on not breaking down every time I looked in the mirror , or saw Maven come in my direction . I was laying down counting the stitches on the silk sheets . They remind me of Gisa , the little red head girl I left all alone back in Tuck . I know that if I ever see her again , my favorite little sister won't be so little anymore and the thought breaks my heart . But at least I have the little life inside me to protect and love . I never considered myself a motherly person , but after all I have been through , not knowing whether I'll wake up the next morning or not , it feels good to be able to take care of someone besides myself . I know deep down In my heart that my life will forevermore be filled with hurt and pain , but this child , this Beakon of hope , will be saved and will be loved . I'll give them the life I never had . That's a promise .

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