Chapter 1

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Hello! This is my first story so go easy on me and I'll try and fix anything that's wrong. I hope you enjoy!

M A L A I N A ---

My name is Malaina James. I'm sixteen years old and I live in New York with my parents, Patrick and Emily. I'm dyslexic and ADHD. I usually get bullied in school, they say I'm retarded not dyslexic and I've had a lot of 'bumps and bruises' over the years. I've got bumps and bruises from all over the country. Something strange always seem to happen to me and next thing I know my parents are evacuating us across the country. It wasn't alway like this. For twelve years I had a real home in a small town outside of Chicago, I even had an actual friend (yes I know, shocker). Then one day my parents came home and said we were moving. And that was that. In the past four years i have lives in five different states and have attended eight different schools. I had hoped New York would be my last home for a while. Unfortunately, it was no to be.

I was on my way home from school when it happened. A tall dark haired woman, sauntered around the street corner. She was barely wearing any clothes, her stomach and legs exposed. I avert my eyes, people like that weird me out. We pass each other, but I still feel unnerved. I stop walking and slowly turn back to see the woman staring at me, her previously brown eyes had turned a burning red color that seemed to look straight into my soul. My heart raced in my chest, I took a deep breath, trying to convince myself that I was just seeing things and carried on walking. The whole way home I felt her eyes on me.

When I finally reach my apartment, I let out a heavy sigh and lean my back against the door. "Dad!?" I yell. Our house is unusually quiet. My mum's a doctor so she doesn't get home till late but normally when I get back my dad is sat on the couch with his laptop on... Well, his lap, and the radio is playing while he types away attempting to write the next great novel that will "shake the world", as he said. However when I enter the living room expecting to see just that, I see something completely different. My fathers laptop lies broken on the floor. The sofa cushions had been thrown all over the room, but the strangest thing was my mothers medical files that looked like they had been trampled on.

I walk around the rest of the apartment, calling for my parents the whole time. No one's here. In full panic mode now, I grab the telephone and am about to punch in the numbers to call the police when there was a nock at the door.

I'm scared to open it, but shake my head and put the phone down. Whoever did this is long gone by now. I expect to see one of my neighbours or maybe one of them had called the police, instead I see the pair of red eyes that followed me here. I stare at her for a moment, frozen to the spot, then I come to my senses and I scream making her lean away from me and slam the door in her face. It was the kind of thing you always saw kids do in movies and was oddly satisfying to do in real life.

The house is silent again for a few seconds until the door falls down. I scramble back to avoid being squashed and fall backwards onto my bum. The woman steps forward towards me. I clumsily climb to my feet and run to my room. I block the door with my body and try to slow down my breathing... and fail. Suddenly an arm breaks through my wooden door and starts waving around grasping for something. I run to my bedside table and search for something to defend myself with. Finally I find the dagger that was with me when my parents found me in the forest as a baby. It's not as strange as it sounds, my parents figure it was something my biological parents left for me, with my name engraved on the side of the blade and a symbol on the hilt that looked like a sickle.

The dagger balances perfectly in my hand and I turn it around in my hand while the woman- thing- whatever she is, continues to break down the door. As it finally broke apart, wood flew everywhere, but I didn't notice. I was frozen in place by what I saw. The thing's dark hair was sticking out in all directions, her skin had turned a deathly white and her teeth had grown and they now looked like vampire teeth. She hissed loudly at me, baring her vampire teeth. Before my courage leaves me, I pull my arm back and throw the dagger at her. It hits her right shoulder and she cries out, but quickly recovers yanking my dagger out and discarding it behind her. I realize too late that I'm out of options. She lunges at me and time seems to slow down. She is flying through the air in slow motion. And here I thought vampires were supposed to be fast. Taking advantage of whatever is going on I take a step out of her path, when she continues to move slowly, I charge out of the room, grabbing my dagger as I go. However, I don't get very far as the slow motion thing wears off and suddenly the vampire is standing in front of me again.

"You can't get away from me, child of Time!" I have no idea what that means but I have bigger things to worry about, like the fact I'm about to die. I squeeze my eyes closed and wait for the attack I know is coming. Only, it doesn't. I open my eyes when she hisses again, but she's not facing me. In the doorway stands a boy about my age with black hair and sea-green eyes. They narrow with anger as he stares at the vampire, but she has a smile on her face as if she finds his anger amusing.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" She cocks her head to the side. "Poseidon." Her eyebrows raise in surprise. "And Athena. My, your parents must have had an interesting relationship."

"You have no right to talk about my parents, empousa!"  The boys voice is full of range and quicker than my eyes can follow, he pulls something out of his jeans pocket. I squint to get a better look and see... a pen. I roll my eyes, I thought this guy was going to save me. If he's going to fight a vampire with a pen; that's fine by me, but I can't be expected to do nothing. I look to my left and see the kitchen only a few feet away. I slowly tip toe towards a pan that is still on the side from when my dad and I made pancakes yesterday. As I take the handle, I hear something I didn't expect and turn back in shock. The vampire is standing close to the boy, looking like she did the first time I saw her, brown eyes and all. That's not what surprises me though. She is flirting with him!

That's it, I think, I want this guy and his vampire out of my house!

The boys eyes have glazed over and he seems completely entranced by her words. I walk back towards them and scream, "HEY BITCH!!" She turns her eyes on me, red again, but before she can act I swing the pan up and across her head. I hear a sickening crunch and wince slightly.

She holds the side of her head and swears at me, colorfully. Then her mouth opens and she lets out a chocked gasp and looks down. A bronze sword sticks out of her stomach, with a final ear piercing scream she explodes covering me and the boy in dust. I can feel my heart racing in my chest, I'm light-headed and my legs are shaking. The boy looks at me and I look at him, white blotches clouding my vision.

"Nice hit." He says.

For some reason I find myself blushing. "You too." He smiles shyly and opens his mouth to say something else when my knees buckle and I fall to the floor.

He catches me and pulls me onto his lap. I feel heat radiating off his body and a warm feeling spreads throughout my body. The last thing I see before I pass out are his beautiful green eyes.
Then there is nothing but darkness.

Malaina (Percy Jackson Next Generation) [UNDER SEVERE EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now