Chapter 8

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L U K E ---

"Where's she going?" Bianca asked and I looked up in time to see Malaina leave the hall.

"I don't know." I say absentmindedly and look back down at my food.

"What's up with you? Did you two have an argument or something?"

"Or something." Bianca looks at me curiously. She always was too nosy for her own good. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise you won't tell anyone." She promises. "Well, I found out who Malaina's father is."

"Who?" She asked eagerly.


Bianca's face grew dark and I saw raw hate in her eyes. "She's the daughter of Kronos." It wasn't a question.

"But it doesn't change anything, she's still the same girl she was before. She's nothing like her father."

"Really? 'Cause by the looks of things that changes everything." She was right. It felt strange being around her now, knowing who she was. But I stand by what I said. She is nothing like her father and once I've wrapped my head around things, everything will go back to normal.


The next morning I went looking for Malaina. The Hermes kids said she wasn't feeling good. I asked if she was taking visitors and for some reason they chased me away with paintball guns. I hope when Malaina's secret comes out they'll still defend her like they do. Although why they felt the need to chase me away is beyond me.

I decide to head back to my cabin before my training session with Uncle Nico.

My room is at the back of the cabin while Bianca's is at the front so I need to pass it to get to mine.

As I pass I hear two people speaking from inside Bianca's room. Being the curious idiot I am, I press my ear to the door.

"-Can't tell him, Rod. Not yet." I hear Bianca say. Rod, I think, trying to place the name. Wait... Rodriguez La Rue! The grandson of Ares, son of Clarisse La Rue, who hates my dad! What the hell is he doing in my sisters room!?

Without another thought I burst into the room. Rod is sat on the bed leaning against the wall and Bianca sits in between his legs leaning back on his chest. She shoots up, her grey eyes full of fear. Yeah, she should be afraid.

I turn my attention to Rod. He climbs off the bed and walks towards me slowly his hands raised in surrender.

"Luke, I can explain-" he doesn't get to finish because I punch him in the face. He stumbles back and clutches at his nose.

"LUKE!" Bianca yells at me. Rod recovers and anger blazes in his eyes. He steps towards me and raises his fist, before he can do anything Bianca steps in between us putting a hand  on each of our chests. She looks at us both in turn and her eyes end on me. "Luke. I can explain everything." When I don't speak, she proceeds to 'explain everything'.

"We... We're in love." Well, I think, I didn't expect that.

"You're... In love... With... Him?" I say pointing at Rod. "HIM!?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" They both ask.

"Well, our parents hate each other plus you're fifteen."

"Our grandparents hate each other and our parents kissed for the first time when they were fifteen." Bianca throws back. "And you're only sixteen."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Bianca laughs at my clueless expression, "Don't play dumb with me, I know you love her." I know what she means now.

"I don't love her." This time it's Rod that laughs.

"Oh come on, everyone can see. Well, everyone but you and her of course."
I don't argue because I know they're right. I do love her. But she doesn't love me, how could she? And now that I know she's the daughter of Kronos, it'll never happen. If my parents were to ever find out, they'd never speak to me again.

"Whether I love her or not is none of your business." As I turn to leave the worst song in the world starts.

"Malaina and Luke, sitting in a tree    K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"I have never kissed her! And you know I don't like climbing trees... I'm afraid of heights." I turn around again and send my best death glare at Rod. "And you better not be getting into any trees with my sister and kissing her. Otherwise it'll be the last thing you ever do."

I get half way down the hall this time before Bianca calls out: "TOO LATE!" I didn't go back and punch Rod again, instead I threw myself on my bed and screamed into my pillow.

Sorry for spamming you... NA not really. I was staying with my dad last night and he's got no wifi in his house so I had nothing to do but edit then I got a bit carried away with myself and just published them all at once when I got home. 😂

Malaina (Percy Jackson Next Generation) [UNDER SEVERE EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now