Chapter 10

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I'm BAAAAAAAAACK!!!! Exams are finally finished and I can start writing again!!! Sorry it took so long I have a whole list of excuses: exams, holiday, writers block etc all I can say is sorry and I hope you enjoy these chapters.

She gulped nervously. "Your... Parents?"

M A L A I N A ---

"Alright," My voice shakes. "If they're willing to help, that would be incredible."

He laughs. "Of course they'll help. They're coming over in a few weeks anyway, I could just ask them to come a little earlier."

"Oh no! I couldn't possibly ask them..."
I start panicking, but he holds up a hand to stop me.

"Malaina," He says. "They. Won't. Mind."

I'm still a bit reluctant but he's convinced me. Suddenly I realise I've forgot something very important.

"What time is it?" I ask. He looks confused but he tells me it's 1:00. I whisper a curse. "I've got training with Nico. I'm late." I tell him and run out before he can even say goodbye.

I run across the grass as fast as I can. Price of advice: Nico is scary when you're late, so don't be late.

Just as I pass the forest two girls run out in front of me. Due to my pathetic reflexes I can't stop in time and I crash into the girl in front.

We tumble to the floor and I bang my head, making my vision go blurry.

A red haired girl appears above me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

No, I think. "Yes." I say.

She holds her hand out for me and helps me to stand. The girl I crashed into is already standing and mumbles a quiet, "sorry." That's when I get a good look at them. The girl who helped me up had red hair and was wearing a bright orange t-shirt, she'd fit in great here. The other girl... not so much. She was wearing all black and it matched her long dark hair. She had a sad look on her face, a look that said she had lost something very important to her. I had seen that look quite a lot around here.

"I take it your Demigods?" I ask, though I know if they got in here they must be.

"Demi-what now?" Red-Head asked.

"Demigod. Half human, half god. Half blood?" I supply but they're still confused. "Look I'm not the best person to be explaining this, I only got here a week ago, so I'm still as confused as you are. But I can take you to someone who'll tell you everything." I figure at this point I'm going to get hell from Nico anyway for being late, might as well skip to help some new kids. He can't punish me if I've got a legitimate excuse.

"I'm Malaina." I say and hold my hand out to them. The black haired girl cringes away, she must have some kind of hygiene problem. (Other people's, I mean. Not her own). The red head girl happily takes my hand.

"I'm Lily. This is my sister Maria." Lily said smiling brightly.

"You're sisters?" I wasn't expecting that.

"Well... adopted sisters." Lily blushed and Maria just looked at her sister sadly.

"Follow me then. And please do watch out for stray arrows."


We made our way to the Big House in silence. The girls kept glancing behind them as if there was a monster behind them that was going to pounce at any second.

When we got there Chiron was already outside looking expectant as they rounded the corner. He must have known we were coming.

"Hello again, Malaina." He said politely.

"Hey Chiron. These girls just got here-"

"I know."

"I thought you could-"

"I know."

Okay this was getting annoying. "Alright, fine, I'll just go then." I turned to leave but he chuckled behind me and called me back.

"I'm sorry Malaina. It was just a little joke. I'm sorry." He couldn't say it with a straight face.

I turned back, still annoyed. Nico would have been better than Chiron trying to be funny.

"Now," Chiron continued. "Where to st-" he broke off suddenly to stare at the two girls. I followed his gaze, curious to see what could have made Chiron speechless. My mouth dropped open at what I saw. Hovering in the air above the girls heads was the symbol of Hades and Iris.

I bet you can't guess which one was which... Lily is Iris you say? NOPE guess again... I know right? I didn't expect it either.

For the slower people out there, I will spell it out for you. Lily is the daughter of Hades and Maria is the daughter of Iris...

Whaaaaaaaa??? I know shocker!

Moving on...

"A child of the Big Three..." Chiron says looking dazed. He blinks a few times then turns to me. "Malaina. Will you please bring Nico here? I think he might like to meet another sister of his."

There must have been some kind of inside joke there that I just didn't get. Regardless I ran off to face the wrath of Nico DiAngelo.

He was busy training some other, younger kids when I arrived. It was quite embarrassing, everyone else had been here since they were at least twelve, and here I was, the weird sixteen year old training with the six year olds.

"Nico?" I tapped him on the shoulder and he whipped around, swinging his sword at the right hight to chop my head off. Luckily over the past few days my reflexes have gotten a lot better so I was able to duck under it. "What was that for!?" I yelled at him.

He stood calmly with his hands resting on his Death Sword (as I like to call it). "Well seeing as you didn't show up for your session, I thought I would give you a little test. See if your reflexes have improved any. Now I say they have, you are almost on the same level as the other six year olds you train with." I glared at him but he simply smiled. I knew he like to tease me about how bad I was at fighting. I didn't even care, I knew I sucked.

"Look Mr Nico, I didn't come all the way down here to get ridiculed by you. Chiron sent me. You have a new little sister."

That's when Nico fainted.

This chapter is dedicated to SarahRaisman and taltal2886 who inspired the characters Tal and Sarah (duh).

They have both written some incredible stories. taltal2886 has written a Jacksepticeye/Antisepticeye fanfic called Who Am I? which is AMAZING!!! And I think I've already mentioned SarahRaisman's Percy Jackson story, but for the Harry Potter fans check out Linked!!

Until next time!

Malaina (Percy Jackson Next Generation) [UNDER SEVERE EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now