Chapter 2

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L U K E ---

The girl collapses and I rush forward to grab her before she hits the floor. I pull her into my lap and our eyes meet, I can't help thinking how beautiful her blue eyes are.

Her eyelids droop closed and I'm brought back to reality. I pick her up and carry her down stairs. As we pass her living room, I notice things all over the floor. It looks like a standard break in, but there was something about it that didn't feel right.

I'll speak to Chiron about it when I get back, I think. For now I need to get her somewhere safe.

Thankfully she lived on quite a quiet road so there's no one around to see the black pegasus that I rode in on.

Hey Boss, Blackjack spoke in my head. One of the many gifts I got off my dad, I can talk to horses. But, unlike my dad, I don't mind being called Boss.

"Hey, Blackjack."

Who's the girl? I place her awkwardly on Blackjack's back then climb on myself.

"The girl I've been telling you about for the past two hours." He doesn't reply and launches into the air. I was put on 'Satyr Duty' for working with the Stoll Cousins on a prank... that I got fully blamed for. Chiron said if I came here and picked up this girl, bring her back safely then he wouldn't tell my mom what happened. Everyone said it would be boring, said nothing interesting would happen and I'd probably get stuck shlepping a bratty six year to Long Island. Well... IN YOUR FACE!

We are almost back to camp when I see it. The hilt of a knife or dagger sticking out of her back pocket. Don't do it. That's weird. A little voice in my head demanded, but my curiosity soon shut it up and I carefully pulled it out. Examining it, I see a name engraved on the side of the blade. Malaina. I assume Malaina is the girls name. I've never heard that name before but it suits her. She's a redhead with a dagger in her back pocket and she attacked an empousa with a pan. Strange name for a strange girl.

Blackjack lands outside the stables, I climb off and carry Malaina to the infirmary. Will Solace- or Uncle Will as I know him- runs out when he sees me with Malaina.

"What happened?" He asks touching her forehead.

"Empousa. She passed out from shock or something."

"Let's get her inside before she wakes up."


After we get Malaina settled into a bed and Uncle Will has checked that nothing serious is wrong with her, I head to the big house to talk to Chiron.
He's stood outside when I come over. Not doing anything. Just stood there with his eyes closed.

"Chiron?" His eyes stay closed as he replies.

"Hello, Luke."

"Sir, I need to speak with you about the new girl." Then he opens his eyes and walks towards me. He opens his mouth to speak, but then the door to the Big House opens and Mr D walks out, a crushed can of Diet Coke in his hand.

"Chiron!" He yells and Chiron rolls his eyes.

"What is it Dionysus?"

"There is no Diet Coke left!"

"Why don't you go and buy some then." Chiron says calmly but I can hear the frustration in his voice.

"Me? Go out and buy Diet Coke? Absurd. Why don't you make Lucky Johnson do it?"

"Still Luke Jackson Mr D." Yep that's right kids. I am Luke Jackson, famous son of Percy and Annabeth Jackson.

"Oh whatever London Jepson! Go get my Coke!" With that he stalked off.

"London Jepson?" Chiron mused. "That's a new one.
Now, please, tell me what happened."

I take a deep breath and tell him.
"I went to the address that you gave me, but when I got there, it looked like someone had broken in. There were things all over the floor, paper cushions, definitely signs of a struggle-" My voice breaks as I remember.

"What is it Luke?" Chiron urges me on.

"There was blood on the floor. I doubt she noticed, there was only a little of it, but I think whoever broke in was there for her parents. Nothing looked like it had been taken, it wasn't a normal mortal break in that's for sure."

"Wait. You said "parents". Plural?"

"Yes Sir. I saw photos. They must have adopted her. From what I saw, they are some of the most Mortal people you could find."

Chiron nods considering my words. "Very well. I will send some people over to investigate, see if they can find anything. In the meantime, I am entrusting her to you. Distract her, keep her mind away from her parents. She doesn't need to worry about them and adjust to a completely new world all at once. Alright?"

"Yes Sir." He says nothing more and walks away.
I spend the next two days in and out of the infirmary waiting for Malaina to wake up.

It was exactly mid-day when she finally did.

Malaina (Percy Jackson Next Generation) [UNDER SEVERE EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now