Logan causes drama, I run away with Justice and Jordan

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"Wake up Violet. Get ready for school, you have forty five minutes" Mom says, yanking my covers off of me, yay school..

"Lmggh" I manage to say through my matted brown hair, I push myself out of bed and walk over to my bathroom and take a shower.

After I freshen up I walk over and open my laptop, I scroll through Facebook while I brush my wet hair. A orange box pops up by my messages,

Justice Carradine; Hey, could you help me find my classes today? I have Mr Ware first period.

Violet Flores; Hey, sure, Mr Ware is a really cool guy he's a great biology teacher.

Justice Carradine; Thanks. I have a question, will you be my school buddy?

Violet Flores; Sure I'd love to! I'll meet you at the cafeteria c:

Justice Carradine; Ok. Thanks! Um... Where's the cafeteria? Sorry :c

Violet Flores; I'll meet you outside in the front of the school at 7:45, ok?

Justice Carradine; Ok. Thanks again! Gotta go bye!

I quickly slip my white converse on and grab my backpack off of my rolling chair.

"Hurry up sissy! I have to go to school!" Megan yells, I walk out of my room and pull out a chair from underneath the table.

"Cereal, pancakes ,or oatmeal, Megan" Mom says, opening the refrigerator and grabbing a batch of eggs.

"Pancakes!" Megan yells, bouncing in her chair, why must she be so hyper in the morning when I can barely keep my eyes open in Mrs Lemons class, Megan is definitely not like me.

"What about you Vi, what do you want?" Mom asks, cracking an egg on the pan.

"Pancakes, please" I respond, I close my eyes, why'd I have to go to sleep so late, oh yeah, because I was talking to Justice all night. I set my head on the table, why must I be so tired.... I really need to stop complaining..

"Here" Mom says, handing me a plate of pancakes and brown maple syrup, maybe sugar will boost my mood, I grab the syrup and drizzle it everywhere, I grab my fork and dig in.

"Vrooom, watch out, Princess Aurora! The spaceship's coming after you! Run!" Megan yells, stuffing a spoonful of pancakes in her mouth, maybe Megan is related to me, she's weird too..

"Alright kids, lets go" Mom says, grabbing Megan's barbie lunch box off of the kitchen table, I get up and set my dirty dishes in the sink, I grab my backpack and head for the car.

"Panda! Panda! Panda! Poop! Panda Poop!" Megan sings, kicking her feet in the car seat, panda poop, how are we related... 

"Can you drop me off first, Mom, please? We got a new student and he wants me to help him find his first period class" I say, fiddling with my backpack.

"Sure, so what's his name? Does he like you? How old is he? Is he tall? Does he play sports? Is he creative? Tell me all about him" Mom says, turning down a street.

"Jeez, Mom, calm down, his name is Justice Carradine, I don't know I met him yesterday, I think he's fourteen, I guess he's kinda tall.. I think he likes basketball, and I think he sings and draws" I say, staring out the window, I hate having boy conversations with her.

"Is Vi gonna get a boyfriend?" Megan asks, playing with her Barbies, why'd she have to bring it up..

"Will see, but then he can come over and play Barbie's with you! How fun" Mom says, are they trying to ruin my life? I mean its Justice, its not like he'll date me, right? My school is in view!

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