chapter 1

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chapter 1

Run, jump, tuck, flip. Run, jump, tuck, flip. That was the only thing going through Luna's mind. She had to do this. balencing on the fence post she took off. Run... she took off at full speed running with everything she had. Jump... she let her long legs lift her with power, shooting her into the air. Tuck... she folded her body up into a fetal position. Flip... she leaned slightly forward before flipping three times and sticking the landing on the last fence post. She heard claps and spun around to see that one of her three best friends was behind her. "Alice I got it finally eeeepppp!" Luna screamed. Alice just smiled at her excitement. Knowing that Luna had been working on getting it on the fence for three weeks.

Luna's POV

I got it. I freezing got it. AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Alice is smirking at me but I don't care I'm to exicted to care. My name is Luna De'Clair, I dont quite know who my father is because my mother never told me. My birth mother kept her last name when they got married. This is her house so when we get settled in we are going to snoop around. My birth mother and himm got devorsed when he had to leave for his job but I think they would still talk. I was never allowed to know anything about him, mother said it was for my safety, knowing that my REAL mother died during childbirth. I don't mind having my grandmother though. She is really sweet and loving and just stern enough to raise me right. I am ready to find out my past. Mother knows best. She has recently fallen ill and promised to give me the attic keys before she passed on and I can tell it's pretty close. It's sad but it is true. I need to go visit her and tell her more. The other girls call her mom too so they will want to go with me. I call their names and we all load up into my big blue truck and start driving to the hospital. We can't stay quiet for long so Cynthia turned on the radio. The first thing to come on was let her go by passenger. We all knew the words and sang to the melody. The song fit with the circumstance that we were in. We soon pulled up to the hospital. Cynthia, Hannah, Alice, and I all walked through the front desk. "Dori De' Clair please", I said to the lady at the desk. She pointed towards the hallway on the left and said, "room 105." We thanked her and moved on. walking in at first sight. Mother looked almost dead, the sickness was wearing down on her body fast. "Hey mom. I finally got the triple front flip on the fence today", she gave a faint smile, "Yeah I was excited. I should be moving on later to the triple backflip on the fence." A doctor walked in and told us that we had to leave because the meds he have her would help her sleep and she needed rest. We heard her sigh and her frail hand reached up and grabbed something from the side table. The keys to the attic. I vowed I would not go in until she was better or passed on. And I knew I would keep that vow. We drove home in complete silence. The weight of a fatal ailing loved on baring on our shoulders. It affected me and Cynthia the most I think. Mom took us in when we had nothing at all and loved us in the absence of love. Her death, when it comes, will affect us the worst. I had just pulled into the driveway when the phone rang. It was the hospital. I answered frantically, a monotone voice answered back " We regret to inform you but Lung Cancer stage four has claimed the life of Dori Le' Clair, we are sorry for your loss and would appreciate for a family member to pick up the body. Thank you." Then hung up. The phone dropped out of my hand and I was speechless. Mom was dead. How was I going to tell the girls. Cynthia looked hover with concern and Hannah, who was sitting next to me in the front seat, could tell by my expression what had happened. Being thankful for the unspoken language between all of us, the girls knew right away. Hannah reached over and held me with silent tears. Alice, usually so strong had tears streaming down her face already holding Cynthia. Cynthia like me was not quiet in her tears. Doors open, I am sure the neighbors (20 acres away) could hear our screams of pain and hurt. It wasn't fair. She was all I had left. My only past. Then I remembered the keys. Alice, Hannah and I walked inside to put our stuff down while Cynthia called her boyfriend for a ride back. Non of us could bare the drive back to the hospital to gather her thing and hear her final words. My world was falling apart at the seams. I needed to get out. I would be taking a short visit to New York soon. To the Alice's old apartment that she kept for our trips to New York. Clear my head. Get out. Who knows.

Sorry if it was a bit rushed with a death in the first chapter but I was wanting you to know what happens soon. Did I ramble to much? This isn't proofread so forgive my errors. Either in chapter 2 or 3 she will find out her past. I think 3 though because 2 will probably be the funeral and last words an will and stuff so yeah. First chapter yayyyyyyy. Anyways fan read and vote and comment yayyy. Bye . sorry if the video on the side messed up its my first ever trailer so if somebody could make me a better on i would love them forever and shout me out please. and if u make a video message me so i can be the first to see it thank you

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