chapter-4 nice to see you again

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"HOLY SHIT." I screamed when I looked ad saw the guys standing over me. I bounched up and ran to the end of what I think was there bus. 

"hey scarlett it is nice to see you to." ashley said sarcasticaly.

"were the hell am I." I asked 

"on our bus." jinxx said as he sat down 

"why." I yelled 

" because SOME ONE DOSN'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE." andy yelled makeing it really loud so the driver could hear.

"well then thank you." I said " umm has any one came around looking for me." i  asked 

"yeah actueley come with me." andy motioned or me to go to the back room of the bus.I walked in with andy and saw my mom and the THING sitting on a bed.

"FINALY." the thing barked " we have been waiting for hours ." nick said sweetley.

"get away from me." I said as I started to back up.

"whats going on." andy asked once I started to back up.

"I SAID GET AWAY FROM ME." I yelled at them again.poor andy he just sat there looking so confused and flustered.

" DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT." nick yelled

"I will and I am." I snapped. I am going to get it again.

"scarlett what is going on please tell me." andy begged

"them they are the reason I was hit he is trying to kill me." I screamed

" don't say that honey we love you." my mom said./

"ha! yeah right like I will ever fall for your sweat inocent voice again you both are just monsters." I yelled at them

"YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT." the thing screamed. He gabbed me by the hair and forced me down.

"what the fuck." andy said as he watched in horror as nick kicked me reapetedley. I just sat there screaming that when the kikcing stop and half of the guyys were on top of nick and my mom was screaming at them to stop.

"hey are you ok." andy asked as I got up.

"yeah I think I have just a few broken ribs thats all." I said

"here lets get you to a doctor." he said as he lead me out sitting room.

"so whats up with you and the guy in there." andy asked " if you don't mind me asking."

" my mom is a drugey and a acoholic hey meet now they are together. my mom started after my dads death and now they beat me for fun and some times they just make reasons up." I said looking at the ground.

"how long has it been." he asked

"7 years." I said again but meeting his gaze 

"wow ruf." he said.

"ha! you don't know the half of it." I said 

"well they can't hurt you anymore." andy promised 

"really." I asked 

" I promise." 


awwwwwe what a cute ending to this chapter I swere in this andy is like the nicest guy ever.

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jordan xox


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