Chapter-13 Heart Shattering

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Days had gone bye since me and andy had gotten our tattos. Everytime I was undressing I would stop and start at my tatto and then I would finally come back to real life and put my shirt on. It was nice to know that foever and ever that know matter what happened I would always have Andy.

Nothing seriousy had happened between me and Andy like sure we shared a bed but nothing really happened like..... that. I am just not ready for somthing like that. I am still amazed the THING never sold me off like he and my mother had planed to do. I guest they didn't want a whore like they thought I already was. 

Andy was back out and about in the town doing a little shopping. I don't know what for but he was. I hope.

ANDY POV +=================================================================

"Andy." I hered a silk like voice ask from behid me.I turned around and standing there was Scout my ex-girl friend from before Juliet.Me and Scout dated for 5 years and then she cheated on me so I broke up with her. 

"Hie scout havn't seen you around in a while." I said back a politley as I could. It was hard just seeing her after everything that had happened between us. 

"yeah I have just finished shouting a new movie and I got a recording contract so I might be starting in the music bussness." She smiled up at me. 

"cool." I said back in a bored tone. 

"Andy baby why did we ever brack up." she asked in a sweat tone. 

"you know why we broke up scout." 

"But I have changed you should come back to my house and see." She said with a wink.

" I have a girl friend." I stated.

"Oh right I herd about a new gril in your life what is her name Juliet was it."

" I broke up with juliet and am now with a new girl."

"Hmmm how old is she because I herd juliet was about 25 am I right." She asked in a No-Matter-what-you-say-I-will-have-you kind of voice.

"Yes, Juliet was 25 but scarlett is 18 going on 19 in a few months." I smiled at the thought of Scarlett.

"What ?!." Scout shouted.

"what." I questioned.

"Andy you are dating a fucking 18 teen year old girl." she hissed.

"So." I asked.

"Your going to pick a teenager over me someone actuely your age. Andy I don't know you anymore." Scout said before she leaned in and kissed me on the lips for a whole minet. 

I pushed her away."You never new me Scout you always lied to me thinking that it was ok but fuck no it wasn't I hate fucking liers so no scout you never new me.I can't believe I ever loved you" I yelled back in her face as I payed for my items and left with out letting her replie.

It was true what I said I can't believe I ever loved her. She is a lieer and I always have always will hate her. I just hope she doesn't try anything less to mess up Scarlett's and I's relation ship.Witch I was afarid she had already done. 

SCARLETT"S POPV+===========================================================

I was tired so I decided to eave the house and go for a walk. I figured I hadn't seen much of Californa so this was my chance to really see it. I walked out the frount dorr to andy's and I's house . I locked the door as I left.

I started down the street and then took a left on Maple wood ave. I had know idea of where we were going but I just went with my instincts and walked witch ever way seemed the safest. I walked till I found and stor with Andy's car parked in its spot.I got an I idea that I would go and surprise Andy.

Well I had the Idea until I reached the window and had a peck in it to see where Andy was.What I saw hurt like a bitch. It was Andy liped locked with his Ex-girl friend Scout Taylor Compton. Tears lecked down my checks.

I ran. 

As fast as my little legs could carrie me I didn't know Californa very well but I new I would fid somewhere private somewhere I could think. And Andy wouldn't be there. But he was already haunting  my mind.Every person I looked at there Andy was lip locking with Scout. 

My head hurt and my legs acked I found a what I thought to be a private ally way. I sat down on my butt and cryied. Until I herd it. The sound of 10 diffirent pairs of feet on the ground comming tords me. 

I looked up to mett eyes with gang banger's. Right when I thought my life couldn't get any more worse. It just did. 

"Well look what we got here boy's a pretty little lady." the Frist one witch I assumed was the leader said. 

"are you lost seat checks." the other one on the left asked in a not so nice tone. 

"No." I said." I mean I was just resting I was upset and now I must get home before it gets to dark. good bye." I added as I tried to leave but the one on the right was to fast for me and grabbed my arm.

"you ain't going no where girly." the leader said,

"what are you going to do with me." I asked

" many different thing my deer." the leader said once again.

That was the last thing I herd before my head made contatckt with the ground and I blacked out.

ANDY'S POV+=============================================================

I went home with a acking head. All I wanted to do was cuddel up to Scarlett and never let her go. I wanted to tell her about what Scout did and hw it was not my fault.

I came home to a empty house. It wasn't noemal I usaly had scarlett home but this time she was know where in sight. Her phone was gone and so was her pair of house keys and her pair of shows.

I tried calling her but nothing. No answere.

I went out looking for her.And thats when I saw it.A bunch of gang bangers being put into a police car and a ambulance pulling a girl on a gurnie. At frist I didn't think it was Scarlett but when I got a closer look. I went rigded.

Scarlett was beaten by gang bangers. That was the only thing running in my mind when I saw that.


Hey so what did yall think I put a bit more drama into this one because well I did okay. So I got nothing aganst Scout taylor compton but she did cheat on andy(witch is so not righ) but I think she makes and exalent bad guy in this story. I did want to make it juliet becasue well I think she looks a bit to nice to be mean like if you haven't seen her face she is just so innoncent looking so I new I couldn't do some thing like that to her. I hope yall liked it. OH! sorry I haven't been up dating shite is happening right now that I just can't explane.So don't ask me about it. All right well I hope yall enjoyed have a great day.


Jordan xox


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