Chapter-20 Three years later and party planing

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Andy and I hadn't talked in three years. It was literly tearing me apart. I had become a photographer in a place that is named Ipics. It was really cool. Sammi sometimes would come over and we would take phtos together. It used to be just her trying to get me and Andy back together but now we have become really good frinds. Layla had visited on random occations but now she had got enough money and mved up here in Hollywood. I still lived in my little apartment. 

Tomorrow was my 20 birthday and all the guys wanted to be there like every year. Andy nver came and I always said that I didn't care. But really on the inside I was curling up in a ball and crying begging for him to walk through my apartment doors. He never did.

Every day I would watch my door at night waiting Andy to come in through it. Nothing ever happened. We never talked.We never got in at least 100 feet of each other. I did still attend Black Veil Brides concerts. But I would stay in the back were Andy would never see me.

I wished he would notic me in the back round though. He never did. he was to intent on his music and I was proud of him for it. It was just......I missed his touch. His lips.His everything.

Me and Jamie stayed friends. He and Layla had gotten on better then I had thought they would. They met a few months after I had ast seen Andy. They met they became frinds stayed in contact.Then started dating, made me feel like a threed weel. But the thing that make me most happy is the fact that we were getting mairred. At frist I was like ' isn't this a bit soon guys.' then I gave it thought and well I was really happy for them both.

They were due to get mirried in three weeks. They started plaining three mouths ago. I was os happy foe them. I just hated how I was a lonley old bat. I would just go with it and act happy around them. but on the inside I wished Andy was there.

The guys wanted me and Andy to get together again. But we never talked about anything like that since three years. every memory I had with Andy was premently inserted in my brain. But I new everytime I thought about Andy I would run out of breath.

I was suffering from what his memory was doing to me. But that didn't matter anymore. He had moved on. Back with Juliet. I was happy for both them. Juliet and i were still friends she had forgiven me about the whole Andy situtation. I still talked to her. But never about andy. Yes she would talk about him sometimes but I would just shrug and act interested in her words like a good friend should.

I was currentley driving with Juliet in the passenger seat ranting on about how she and the guys should throw me a big party with cake and presents.I really didn't want that but Juliet insisted they did. She promised she would take care of everything. I didn't want this but she and the others did. So I went along with it. 

"So we will put the cake in your freezer and the party can be in the ball room at your apartment." She smile over at me.

"There is no ball room Juliet. it would be nice but there isn't." I laughed.

"Oh." she looked down at her clip board and frowned." That sucks." She addad.

"It really does.' I laughed while shaking my head.

"Oh! We can have it at mine and Andy's house and...." I drifted off into my own thoughts when she said Andy. I didn't like that idea. I would rather build a ball room then face him. I gulped down a shit load of air then concentrated on the road again. 

"How about in stead of your house we go to a pizza place.It is just as nice" I asked in a cheerful tone.

"No way! It's too public.'' She smiled.I think she was doing this on perpose.  

 "Ok then." I answered with a sigh. 

"Whats wrong." She asked sadness taking over her features.

"Nothing. I just don't want too face." I gave her a lok that told her everything. She looked back at the dash board.

"I guess I wasn't thinking about that." She smiled an upset smile. " But" she added " You both need to suck up and make up. You guys haven't talked in what a year." She asked.

"Three." I corrented.

"What?" she asked.

"We havn't talked in three years." I said again.

Juliet practicaly jumped out of her seat and hit the roof of my car. She looked at me ins shock and disbelife. She shook her head before saying " That can't be. Not that long." Juliet looked ack at me but I didn't dare look at her eys.

"It has." I urmered just loud enough so she could hear.

"I don't and wont believe that. Andy said he talked to you a week ago." She shoot at me.

I shook my head " He never called, texted, or emailed. Juliet face it he doesn't want to see or speek to me as much as I don't." I retorted  at her.

Juliet looked a little taken back but then recomposed her self and stated that she didn't believe me. I just shook my head. "You will soon enough." I murmered under my breath.

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