Chapter-27 drinking and its affects

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Andy's POV--

I was currently sitting in my now empty house. No one wanted to come around. Life was a bitch. If only Scarlett understood that I was still in deep deep love with her. And I new she still had feeling for me I new it from the other day when we kissed. 

I felt that spark that only happens when poeple are meant to be. But I know scarlett she would denie everything. But I wanted and needed to see her. I wanted her so badly. I wanted ot be able to hold her. I wanted to be able to hold her hand and be able to kiss her. 

But I couldn't she would never let me do that. She hated me with a passion. But yet I still had the strongest feeling for her. I new thou I would never be able to get her back. She was out of my life for good. I would never get the scarlett I wanted back.

I got up and off the couch and walked over to my dresser in my room and pulled out the picture of e and scarlett I took from her house. She was so beautiful in the picture. I was so care free then and now everytime I love some one I have to take caution.

I really did love her. Wish she would understand that I loved her with a passion. She was my everything. She made me laugh when I was unhappy. She was always making people smile. And I loved that about her. She was amazing. She would pep-talk the band and we would be awesome just for her.

And she new it. She new we would do awesome for her. Because making her happy was the best feeling in the world. She was one of the most amazing people we had ever meet. I remeber when I told her I wanted to be with her. She was so confussed and flustered because she thought I was still with Juliet. But I was in love with her and juliet new that. Juliet understood the situation too.

I wished scarlett would take me back because I loved her and wanted her. 

I needed her. 

Scarlett's POV ---

I sat on my couch with my head in my hands. I was dying on the inside. I needed Andy more then plancton needs the crabby-patty formula. Thats right I watch spongebob.  With out Andy my life was a living hell. I was a mess. 

I was empty on the inside with out him nex to me. I really did still love him. I know I acted all high and mighty when he was around but really I am hurt and broken on the inside. Tears always spilled if I thought of the old times with him. This sucked but really I think it was mostly because I was trying to drown my sorrows in wiskey .

I was sober enough to know that I was pissed at him. But I was drunk enough that if Andy walked thruogh those doors right now I would throw myself at him and say I was sorry.I really wished he was around and that the past never happened.

If the past was forgotten and thrown away I would forgive Andy. But I can't because I know that if I ever love again I will feel the same pain I did when I saw Andy and Scout kiss. It was hard enough and because of that I don't want to love another.

Because that pain will always be deep inside of me.

Juliet's pov-

Both Andy and scarlett we're a mess. It was just gross. Scarlett was worse thou. All she did was drink and drink. She barly left her appartment  as it is. This was all just making her life horride.

Scarlett was practicaly drinking her life away. She is so close to dying. It was that bad drinking. I always try and get a hold of Andy but he never answers. I didn't even want to think of what he was doing while trying to coop with all this.

But my frist priority was manly to get Scarlett to stop drink . She could get so drunk one day then commit suicide. I was nervouse because if she did. I would hurt and Andy would die on the inside. All the guys in the band would be devistated if she drank her life away.

I think she was hurting everyone around her by doing this and I new she would never listen to me. But other she might.

With that thought I jumped in my car and started toards Sammi doll's house.

Sammi Doll's POV---

I hadn't heard from Scarlett for a long time. She had been very disstant ever since her birthday party. But I did hear she and Andy kissed the other day and Juliet caught'em doing it. I felt for juliet but also scar. Both of them we're good people.

Neither of them deserve to get there heart broken. Both of them I liked but I think personaly I have always thought Andy and Scarlett we're meant for each other. Like I know I would be devistated if Jinxx did anything to hurt me. But I love him and I trusted him. And we we're good together and so was Scarlett and Andy. I hoped to god they were going to get back together.

The door bel rang so I went to get it. I opened the doorto see and nervouse looking Juliet.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"No time for small talk. Scar could die."

"What??! How ??!" I asked.

"I am scared she is going to drink her life away." Said as as she started toards her car.

And with that I grabbed my jacket shouted to Jinxx I would be back and then left the house adter Juliet.

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