Chapter-25 Hallelujah someone understands me!

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Juliet's POV- 

I sat on my couch and just started at the ceiling.Heart broken me. Andy's left. Scarlett my best-friend I hurt her by being such a bitch. I hated what I did. If they still loved each other why should I stand in the way of that.

Why do I have to be that way ? Like I did hurt when I saw everything happen like Andy and Scarlett kiss. They were always cute together. The truth was I always saw this one coming. Them getting back together. I always new it was going to happen but I didn't think it was going to happen while me and Andy we're together. 

I don't believe Scarlett. I don't think she would up frount. I think she would have waited till we we're over and still she would have waited the tree mouths' before she dated him. She was to good a friend to do that to me. And I was a horrible friend for what I said to her. I am the worst friend in history. 

I wish I could chang the past right now. I wish I could not say what I said so I don't have to live with this guilt. I picked up my phone and started to diel Scarlett's number . She picked up right away. 

"Hello." She said in a tired voice. 

"Scarlett...." I breathed into the phone. 

"Juliet." I said. 

"I am sorry." I started. 

" It's fine. I should have never done what I did." She sighed. 

"I know you didn't do it Scarlett it wasn't like you to do something like that, I know for a fact Andy was the one to come on to you. So don't play victem Scar. Andy did it I know that." 


"It was nothing like you to do something like that so I know. Scarlett I could see the pain of you lieing to me in your eyes the other day. BUt I didn't listen I was just mad and maybe over reacted just a bit." 

"Juliet I am sorry I lied to you. Andy wanted to tell you the truth after all that shit went down but I wouldn't let him." She confessed.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"He was about to tell you before I started to alk but i cut him off with my own lie." she  answered.  

"Well." I paused for a second " Andy was the one who kissed you and well I kinda kicked him out.' i laugh a little. 

"Why?!" She asked.

"because I was a pissed off bitch." I stated.

" You are not a bitch Juliet I love you and if Andy doesn't that is his lost."

"No it isn't. It is his win because he still likes you." I laughed into the phone.

"Do you want to get some coffee." She asked while trying to change the subject.

"Sure I would love some." I said.

"Alright meet you at starbucks in five."

"Awesome." I smiled even thou she couldn't see me.

"Kay talk to you later." She said as she hung up the phone.

This was good. I was getting my friend ship back with Scarlett.

At least I get one thing back.

Scarlett's POV -

I sat in the star buck booth and waited for Juliet to show up.

I really wanted to say I was sorry inperson to her. I didn't want her to suffer and only hear it on the phone.

She needed to hear a good apolidgy coming from me in person not over the phone. I really did want to repear our friend ship. Even if it ment me and Andy not getting back together.I really did miss her. She was my girl and I really liked her. I didn't want to lose a good friend like her. 

Andy had been calling my for the past wo days. I haven't been picking up the phone when he called. I would just press the ignor button. I didn't want to talk to him. He new what would happen if we kissed again. But he did it anyway. 

But I shouldn't put all the blame on Andy he was just doing something he thought was right to do. But he was to wrong. I guess we should have cheaked the drive way before we kissed. So it was really both our faults. 

But I still really just couldn't face him. I didn't even want to give him another chance. Our break up three years canged me. 

You see over the tree years I thought about everything. No matter what happend we would always get hurt. Guys would flirt with me. Andy would get mad. Girls would try and kiss Andy. I got jealouse. Really what I was sayinf was that I didn't want to ever date a rock star again. Because the same results would happen in the end. One of us would get hurt. Thats how it would always be. 

I told Andy this Three years ago when he broke into my house. I hoped he would finally understand I didn't want to get hurt again. Rock stars had a tendency to hurt people and not care in the end. Andy did care but it was time for us both to move on and start anew chapter in both our lives. One where we are not together or kissing nor should we in that chapter be frinds.

Because no matter what both of us would end up together and kissing and then both of us would get hurt. We both can't just sit and be friends with out kissing and me pushing him away. Really us evening being near each other was a bad idea. 

Finally Juliet arrived. 

I smiled at her as she sat down with her coffee. 

"SO." She started. 

"Yes?" I asked 

 "So can I ask you a question?" She smiled. 

"You can ask me anything?" I smiled at her. 

"So now that I am out of the picture are you and Andy getting back together?" She smiled at me as she rested her head on her hands.

I was a little tacken back.But i still told her the truth. "No." I said simply. 

"No?! Why not?" She said as she reached up and over the table to listen better. 

"Because no matter what we will always get hurt." I stated. 

"No you wont me and Andy were fine for three years." She asked with a concered face. 

"It is different.'' I stated.

Juliet leaned back in her chair with a amused expression on her face. "And how is it different. Please enlighten me." 

"You know i didn't mean it like that." I paused as she nodded at me to go on " And it it just being with Andy is like a living hell." I confess to her. 


"It just that no matter what we do to try and prevent shit from happening something always find its way to us and breaks us up and leaves us broken.And I am in no mood to deal with that kind of bull shit"

"So it is like you don't want to be with him and no other rock star." she nodded.

"Hallelujah some one understand. " I laughed.  

"Yeah well you better tell that to some one." She said as she pointed behind me. 

I turned in my chair and looked bhind me too see Andy walking our way. My frist thought was 'awe shit' 

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