Chapter 2

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Charlotte picked up Henry, and followed her husband out to where every Shadowhunter and Downworlder in the Institute was gathered.  When Izzy saw Charlotte, holding Henry in her arms, her eyes widened.  "Where did he come from?!  Why's he so big?!  What's going on?!"

Charlotte slowly shook her head and bit her lip, signaling that she didn't want to talk about it.  She looked up at Maryse, who was gathering everyone's attention.  "In light of the events of the last few weeks," she announced, "the Clave has sent an envoy from Idris, to watch over our Institute."

At the thought of Lydia, Charlotte wanted to throw something at someone.  She saw her little blonde head across the room, watching Maryse intently, and had to resist the urge to throw a weapon at her.

"I'd like to introduce Victor Aldertree, he will be the new head of the Institute."

Charlotte had to bite her cheek to keep from laughing.  Lydia got exactly what was coming to her, and she knew it.  

Izzy grabbed Charlotte's arm, and turned her so they were facing each other.  "Charlotte.  What happened?"

Charlotte looked at her arms, at her son who wasn't her son.  Valentine did something to him, and she was going to figure out what.  He'd aged to at least a year old by that point. 

"Why's he so big?  How'd you get him back?  Where's Jace?"

Charlotte just turned to her husband, instead of answering her parabatai's questions.  "Alec, take Henry.  When he gets to age four or five, cut the rune.  And keep a close eye on him."

"Where are you going?" he asked as he took the child from her arms.

"I'm going to find out what the hell happened to our son."

*** *** ***

Charlotte had gone back to the dock where Valentine's ship was earlier, but it was gone.  She let out a frustrated sigh, and slumped against a building.

"Looking for something?"  Charlotte was both frustrated but also relieved when she heard Jake's voice.  Maybe he could tell her what Valentine did to Henry.

"Yeah," she said as she turned to face him.  "Answers."

He smiled at her.  "We'll I'd be happy to give them, for a price."

"Name it."

"I want my girlfriend back."

She sighed and rolled up the sleeve of her shirt, to reveal the wedded union rune.  "I'm married, Jake."

His face slowly fell into a frown, and he gently took her arm.  "Slice the rune and I'll tell you what you want to know."

"How do I know you even know?"

"You want to know what Valentine did to Henry."  He gave her a small smile and pulled out a knife from his pocket.  "I know exactly what he did."  He pointed at the rune with his knife, and she stepped back slightly.  "Now, you gonna do it?"

She looked at the rune on her wrist.  "You're making me choose, between my husband and my son.  This is why I don't understand you.  You say you want me to love you, but you kidnap me and try to force me to get a divorce and all you've done is hurt me since I found our you're alive.  Why would I ever love you?"

"Because," he said quietly as he stepped towards her.  "I know how to give you all you've ever wanted."  He took another step closer, and they were only inches apart.  "I know how to bring your family back," he whispered.  "And that will make up for everything."

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