Tell me why...

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You were laying on the couch in your home on the secluded shore of Ula'ula island. Shortly after becoming champion of Alola you moved out of your adoptive mothers house and came here, swore to protect the slowpoke living here and built your own home with the money you got from the usual swarm of challengers you got when you lived with your mother.
In all honesty you had only become the champion to continue with your friends, not because you wanted to be a constant target for Pokemon battles. But now your friends were gone. Hau set out on his own adventure, Lillie took her mother to another region to help her get well again. And Gladion, even though he said you weren't friends, had become head of the Aithier foundation in his mothers absence.
You felt so lost. You didn't even have to go to the Pokemon league today, it was an extended vacation for you. No one had recently started an island challenge, and you only had to go in every five days, and although you didn't like battling (which is why you moved to a small uninhabited beach on the side of a mountain) right now you felt so alone that battling sounded great.
After getting lost in your thoughts your Ariados (who you had named after a certain bug-type fanatic) crawled in through his dog door, loudly complaining, about what you could only assume was another broken web net.
Ariados was only a level 34 Pokemon, because he was more of a leisure Pokemon, your actual team consisted of mostly level 60+ Pokemon, who were currently on their vacation in poke pleago.
Guzma, after he finished screeching, had started to make another net. You decided to sit up and watch him doing his work in the middle of the living room. But after he got a third done you started to wonder what happened to the real Guzma, you haven't seen him since escaping the Ultra dimension. You just ended up making yourself more sad. Just then you decided to try and find the white haired gangster, and told your Ariados that if he would come to Po town with you, you'd be sure to let him pick out any fish he wanted at the market.
After he agreed you pulled on a beach hat, your black flower shirt that tied in the front, some faded bluejeans along with a pair of gray tone sport shoes, took off your glasses and put on an oversized red plaid coat and went on your way with Ariados by your side. It was winter so you didn't have to worry too much about trainers on the snowy mountains, and your disguise kept any other civilians from telling who you really were.
-time skip brought to you by charizards glide-
Once you arrived at Po town you clutched a team skull necklace in your coat pocket, one of the grunts gave it to you along with a shirt, while they rapped about how "uncool" your fashion was. You only kept it so long because the heavy metal it was made from was cold and smooth to the touch. Once you entered the town you saw a few of the grunts actually making graffiti art on the street instead of the sad drawings that used to litter the town. You walked by them easily, they were too into the Serviper they were making. Continuing to walk down to the mansion no one said a word to you or bothered you in any way.
It took a while but you found Plumera who, according to her, was the new leader of a reforming team skull. She told you that Guzma had come home, only to disband team skull as it was. After thanking her for the information you turned to leave, but she put a hand on your shoulder stopping you. "Listen," she said, "I heard what happened with your friends, and we've all battled you enough to know how you are, so I'm telling you this, as a thank you for saving Guzma from the Ultra beats so long ago. Some of my grunts said people in mele'mele were talking about seeing Guzma around route two." Plumera looked you in the eyes a moment longer before letting you go. However the second she let you go you had your arms around her neck, hugging  her with tears in your eyes, you told her, "If you or the grunts ever need anything I'm on the far side of the island on the secluded shore, you got it?" Now it was Plumera's turn to hug you. You had known since you came here to get a stolen Pokemon back, that Skull was struggling with money and supplies, so your offer to help Plumera really meant something, you knew she really cared about her little siblings. Soon after you left for your old home, melemele island.
-time skip brought to you once again by Charizards Glide-
You had literally ran to route 2 to find Guzma, and after not seeing him outside anywhere, you checked the buildings. You felt your heart drop when he wasn't in the motel, but next you checked the house at the very beginning of the road.

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