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When you finally woke up the roles of you and Guzma had been switched. He had a few bandages here and there but all together He looked... Healed?

"G-Guzma..?" you began to mutter. He had been resting his head in the crook of his elbow, so hearing your voice surprised him.
"(y-yn)! Oh my Arceus you're ok!" he reached up and wraped you in a hug. He squeezed a little too tightly, but you didn't complain and welcomed the white haired boy whole heartedly.
After a while of just holding him and breathing him in, you finally looked around your room and noticed at least a dozen flower placements and a large pile of cards sitting near you.
"Guzma.... How long was I-..."
"Almost a month babe.." Guzma looked into your eyes, tears threatening to fall any second. Your heart broke a little, all you want to do is protect him.
"I-i was so scared ya wouldn't wake up i-- not even the ultra beasts scared me so much!" the dam broke and Guzma held you tightly once again, crying into your (hc) hair. You held him and started to rub small circles into his back. He was softly hiccuping when he started to speak into your neck.
"I thin-k... I think i-" Guzma pulled away from you, and held you by the shoulders as he looked into your eyes with determination. (:V)
"No." he said sternly "I know i love you (yn). I'm sorry. After what you did. How you protected me! While you were unconscious I couldn't help but think back on all the battles we had, how you looked at me, and how you acted whenever I got hurt! No one has ever cared about me like that!..... But... But most importantly, I missed you. I missed you so much it hurt to breathe (yn!). And I know im not Romeo and a lot of times I can't speak what im feeling-! But I love you and I don't want to be without you ever again!"

You started to cry the happiest tears of your life when Guzma's lips crashed into yours. You pulled away only a second to say "I love you too" before you started kissing again. Tears of love and hope and fear mixed together and fell from your faces as you two held each other kissing and giggling together in your hospital bed.


You knew you finally weren't alone.

Guzma x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now