What have I done?

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Once you got inside your home you immediately fell to your knees and passed out. You were exhausted from crying. But you were doing anything but resting now.
Your mind forced you to play back what had happened over and over again. You didn't know why, why were you tormenting yourself? That is until the fifth time. You saw yourself, out of your own body you were now watching the incident that had taken only seconds, slowed down to minuets. Then it hit you.

-your POV-

You looked at the scene before you wide-eyed. When you were being careful not to hurt Guzma, you had succeeded in doing the most awkward thing possible. Watching it now made you extremely uncomfortable. You had sat right in Guzma's lap. Jesus christ no wonder he pushed me! I was being so weird! God and I even ran away from him! He probably feels like shit now! Oh poor Guzma- Guzma! My frickin Pokemon I left him and all my shit there! Ohnoohnoohno!
When you woke up it was... Still dark? You then noticed a horde of slowpoke crowded around you sleeping. Carefully you got up and walked around them. They were literally EVERYWHERE. Somehow though they hadn't ruined anything except a stash of a few hundred poke beans- but considering you didn't normally use the plain ones you didn't care.
When you finally made it to your room you found your laptop and checked the time, however you almost dropped the thing like it was hot. (a/n sorry I had to) According to the computer it was a whole day later! Well, actually that explains how this many slowpoke got in here... Probably took them half the day too.. You laughed at this a bit but then frowned. Guzma... I need to apologize... And return his sweater, you sniffed the clothes you were wearing. You smelled like sand and sadness... Not a good smell at all. Aaaafter a wash! For me and my clothes...

-back to yo sad boy Guzma-

Guzma had spent most of the day with your Ariados trying to find you. (Too bad you didn't leave Rotm) But by the time he had started to give up he realized something. Even if he found you, he wouldn't know what to do, the last time he saw you, you were running away from him. What if you did it again?

-Guzma POV-

"Guzma! You idiot what's wrong with you!? You can't just waltz up to (y/n) and expect shit to be fine! Stupid stupid stupid!" I was so frustrated, What am I gonna do? The only gal I even evah talk to is Plum-
"Hey lil Guz bro, you up for a sail to Po town?" For some reason (y/n)'s Ariados got real happy when I mentioned goin there. But I shrugged it off and went to get a ticket for the next ferry outta here.

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