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You had passed out sometime last night in Guzma's lap.

So... Where... Was he..?

You quickly got up fearing the worst. It took you a whole of five minuets to check every room in your small house. Just as you feared. Guzma was gone. He went back to... Him. Well, you weren't sure he'd gone there, but... Where else...?

You flew to the closest pokecenter and got your Raichu out. You had the uneasy feeling that the move 'paralyze' would come in handy. Thinking about it again you grabbed your Machamp and Taurus. A little muscle wouldn't hurt if something bad happened either, right?

Quickly you ran out and called charizard and set out to Guzma's home. If you were lucky then he would have just gotten there.


You weren't lucky.

As soon as you landed you heard yelling and screaming. Guzma was saying something. But you couldn't hear it clearly.

As you burst through the door of the small house you could have died.

"NEVER AGAIN!" screamed Guzma's father, a club meeting Guzma's ribs. He was amost corner, hands covering his face the best he could. The man raised his club again and hit Guzma in the leg. The blood in your veins started rushing throughout your body. Life slowed down as Guzma hit the floor. You dropped your bag on the floor in shock. The monster was yelling something at Guzma. But you couldn't hear it.

The next thing you knew you were on the floor, on your knees blocking him from hitting the boy anymore.

It connected with your skull.
It hurt. Even with the adrenaline. It hurt. Everything in your left eye became tainted with red. He swung again. You put your arm up. You heard a crack. It was broken. However it was still holding onto the bent and twisted club. You got up. The man was now directing his attention to you. You heard Guzma call your name. You ripped the club from his fathers had, and slammed it into the drywall. It stuck out as you let go of it. He grabed another from his case. Guzma cried again as you felt metal connect with your skull once again, same side. Something sticky and thick was running down the side of your head.

You stumbled towards your bag and fell. You looked at Guzma, who had passed out. Once again the man ran at you. You grabed a pokeball, and realizing it was empty, you stood up again, and blocked the next swing with your broken arm, and smashed the pokeball into the man's head. You saw blood pour from the large gash you put there. He seemed shocked. You took your chance and grabed for Raichu's ball, which had rolled out of your bag twords the open door. You stopped when you heard an angry grunt. Guzma's father swung downwards to hit your head again, but overswang. Instead he fell onto his stomach, his head in the doorway. Quickly you slammed it on him. Three times. He stopped moving, but he was breathing.

You had collected your things and just about Guzma's whole room with the help of your pokemon. Once all that was loaded onto Taurus and Machamps arms you had Raichu surf ahead of you while you, yourself carried Guzma. You awkwardly carried him all the way to the farie. The lady working the small boat quickly tried to help you since you were bleeding, but you refused. You told her where to take your pokemon, telling her you were paging a charizard to the hospital on the other island. You quickly paid her and flew Guzma to the hospital.

After fighing the doctors and nurses off you, you had refused to leave Guzma's side until he was safe on a bed, you blacked out, holding the pale and still unconscious Guzma's hand.

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