Listen yo

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-your POV
/should I use me or you?-

"Tell me why..." Guzma said as he looked at you, propped up on his elbow. "Wh- why what?" In all honesty you were shocked and nervous to be in Guzma's room. You had been here before and talked to his father, but up until a few minutes ago, you had only suspected Guzma to be his son.. "Why are you here, why were you looking for me, why were you cryin and standin in the rain.... Why did you name your Pokemon after me yo?" You leaned back onto the wall and let out a sigh, looking up at the ceiling you started talking. "Everything started falling apart.. Everyone left, and, I mean I did too... I moved to Poni... But all my friends are gone, they continued their own adventures, but mine ended when I became the champion like Kukui wanted... Guzma... I'm sorry I came here.." You turned your head and looked at Guzma, he looked a little hurt, but he covered it up as soon as he saw you looking at him. "I- I'm sorry I bothered you... You don't think of me as a friend I know... But your really all I have left.. And..." You trailed off again and sighed, once again looking up at the ceiling, like the answers to all your problems were written there.

-Guzma's POV-

'She thinks of me as a friend then? I still..'
"I still don't understand.. All your friends left yo? Ain't you got your mom and that jerk Kukui?" I just spoke without thinking if I'm being honest with myself. 'That was so stupid of me! Guzma you know your parents aren't your friends! Stupid stupid stupid!'
I managed not to freak out like I usually do, and (y/n) still hadn't said anything back yet, but she was looking down. "Listen yo, you don't need those punks anyways, you got me! Ya boy Guzma!" I said sitting up again, pointing at myself with my thumbs and smirking. I heard (y/n) laugh... Na... She giggled.. I immediately felt insulted. "Hey yo what you laughin at?!" When I looked at (y/n) she was smiling again, it was something I didn't see too often, most of the time I'd seen her she was determined either to protect her Pokemon or others.. I liked her smile.. Soon I felt my face get hot, and not from rage.
I crossed my arms and looked away from (y/n).

-your POV-

You couldn't help but hug the- now grumpy- Guzma beside you.
You were careful not to hurt him even though you moved forward so quickly. You were practically in his lap now, with your arms wrapped around him. You were so happy you came.

-Ya boy Guzma's POV-

I was shocked at first when I felt someone put their arms around me. But as soon as I realized it was (y/n), and the position we were in, my face got even hotter. "TF am I supposed to do now, how does she not realize-" I was thought mid-thought as I felt my body start to betray me, and all i could think to do was push (y/n) off my lap.
She fell onto the floor and almost hit her head on my TV, she looked shocked and hurt, "FUCK"

(Oh hey yeah you could've died from that honestly)

-my POV-
You felt ashamed once again, you really shouldn't have come here. Despite what he said not even a minute again you knew he wasn't your friend. 'I need to leave' you thought to yourself.
Guzma was yelling at himself for how he was feeling, and how he reacted. He was unsure if he should touch you, if you even wanted to be touched by him now.
The same time he reached down for you, you got up and bolted out of his room, leaving both the Guzmas in the room. You hadn't even gotten your shirt and jacket. You ran back out into the rain and pulled the ride pager out of your pocket and called charizard. Guzma hurried and tried to catch up to you to apologize, and give you your Ariados at least. He stopped once he saw you mounting the flying Pokemon. There was no way he would catch you, and no way you would hear or see him with all the rain.

So he sat there helplessly, watching as you flew away,
The girl he liked ran away from him as fast as she could. He grabbed his hair and started yelling at himself.

You were crying as rain hit you in the face. You didn't have anyone left now. You felt so alone.. You leaned down and held onto the neck of the charizard you were riding. You didn't know what to do anymore.

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