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You were sitting infront of your dryer, your head leaning on the glass porthole on the door, watching Guzma's sweater spin around. You had already showered and put on your pajamas, you didn't plan on seeing Guzma again for a while. You doubted he really WANTED to see you after how you acted. You were so overdramatic! You hated people like that!
You had had your eyes closed, frowning deeply when you heard slowly one by one, slowpoke sounding off in alarm. You were tired and sore again, so you were taking your time getting up, until you heard someone yelling. Who the hell?! No one knows where I live- oh shoot wait. Its probably a few grunts who got sent over here without realizing how long it takes to WALK down to me.. Quickly you grabbed an old pancho and threw it over your night tank, and headed to the door, however it took a lot longer to navigate your house now that the slowpoke were awake.

-Guzma's POV-

I had finally made it to (y/n)'s house when I was attacked by at least 35 slowpoke. I was trying to get them to calm down and back off, I even tried to show em' I was returning (y/n)'s stuff, but the second I reached for the gym bag I put all er' stuff in the damn things started screaming! After what felt like ages I finally gave up and went to the far side of the beach. Bout time the lil shits shut up, I thought to myself. The new quiet was kinda nice, no wonder (y/n) picked here t'live. Soon enough I heard more noise again though. It was (y/n)... Shouting at all the slowpoke to go back to their home... Does she really wanna see me? What if Plumera was wrong and she hates me foreva? Why do I even care?... I know why I care.. I'm just bein' a Numbskull.. Heh.. I was taken from my thoughts again when I heard her calling out to whoever was in the darkness.
"I'm leaving the door unlocked, all the slowpoke are gone, so come in when you want I guess!" Why is she jus invitin people in? Tf?

-your POV-

It felt like it took you ages to clear out all the Pokemon, but once you had done it, you called out to your guests. You ended up sitting down on your couch again, this time turning on the TV. It was some documentary about the Alola variations of Pokemon. You watched intently as it was a special on shiney wimpods. You loved shineys, but wimpods held a special place in your heart, since it was one of Guzma's favorite Pokemon, and a hard one to get... You started to think about Guzma again, both of them.

-my POV-

You were jolted from your new thought when you heard the loud buzz from your dryer, little did you know that a certain white haired man had just been started out of his skin on your doorstep.
In a hurry you got off of your couch and walked past the open door, not noticing Guzma, mostly due to your lack of a porch light. He however had seen you, and, after hesitating yet again, followed you. When Guzma had finally caught up again, he found you on your heels squatting, and looking solemnly at his sweater in your hands.
Guzma didn't know what he should say, so he put Ariados' poke ball on the ground and rolled it twords you. As soon as you hear the metal on the tile of your little laundry room floor, you look up at him.

You feel your face turn red, you were embarrassed and shocked and worried, and you knew every single one of those emotions were showing on your face. You looked back at the sweater in your hands and quickly folded it, and handed it back to Guzma, not looking away from your dryer.

-Guzma's POV-

As soon as (y/n) handed me my sweater, she started apologizing to me.
"I- I'm sorry for what I did, i-i messed up and made you uncomfortable, and then I freaked out and was just such an overdramatic bitch-" I cut her off.
"Hey I messed up too, I always mess up.. Hell I almost killed ya because I freaked. I'm the one who should be apologizin, not you girly..." I said, walking closer to her. I reached out my hand "C'mon, ya boy Guzma still owes you something," at first (y/n) just stared at me, I closed my eyes and bushed my brows together,"UP" I commanded. I felt her grab my hand and I let my expression soften again, opening my eyes.

-your POV-

Your eyes widen as Guzma pulls you up and straight into his arms. You were a decent height, but standing up straight Guzma had to be at least 6"5, you felt small as he hugged you, but you felt safe. You hugged him back and heard him let out a breath you didn't realize he was holding. His hug was still tight, but you felt him relax.
"Guzma...?" You started, "Guzma I'm still so sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you..i-" Guzma cut you off.
"I think I really like ya (y/n).. When I pushed you off  it was cause... Well... I think you know... And I'm sorry I hurt ya when ya were already hurtin' I know how that feels.." Guzma said, putting his chin on your head. That last part stood out to you...

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