kissu- rewrite

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You left Guzma, who was now smiling contently at the TV drinking his Tapu coca, alone in the living room to go fix the bed for him. You only had one room, so you quickly picked up anything weird or gross, and changed your fluffy pink sheets and comforter and put on some gray-ish lavender ones. Now that you were thinking about it, it kinda matched Guzma's eye shadow, or at least you think is was eye shadow..

You went back into your living room to find Guzma completely lost in the TV, the special you were watching turned into a marathon apparently. It was on all the bug pokeon in Alola.
You sat down next to Guzma and started watching yourself. It had been about half an hour before Gosliopod popped up on the screen
"Hell yeah!" Guzma said, causing you to laugh.
"That really is your favorite Pokemon huh?" Guzma was looking at you now.
"Hey how do you know that its my favorite, and that I love tapu coca? We've neva even gotten the chance ta talk like normal people, ya know?"
"Well," you began," you kinda had a grunt that wouldn't let me get to your room unless I knew like four passwords, your favorite drink; Tapu coca, your favorite move is beat up, favorite Pokemon is Gosliopod, and always butt heads and shout NO!" you actually shouted no at the end, Guzma was honestly surprised. He couldn't believe you remembered that.
"I seriously had to do that to the guy, I felt sooooo uncomfortable, THEN I went outside, and this girl started flirting with me on the roof, and then we battled on that slippery broken thing, I seriously thought I was gonna DIE" You threw your hands up at the last part and Guzma started laughing at you. You got defensive and puffed up your cheeks. "H-hey I'm being serious you butt!" Guzma just started laughing more. He thought you were freaking adorable if he was being honest. "Your gonna miss the show you doofus. Shut up and watch your stupid Pokemon"
He stopped laughing now
"Aww c'mon doll, its not my fault you're ugly" Guzma smirked to himself, having a little plan in his mind.
"Wh- do you really mean that??"
Guzma smacked his head into yours, not too hard of course,
"No!" Your face got red at how close he was to you. You tried to lean back and away from him, but he followed you back. You had no more room to go back, and Guzma was leaning over you now with one hand beside your head. The heat in your face seemed to spread to Guzma's, his cheeks were lightly dusted with pink. His eyes were looking into yours, and you could see the stars in them. Guzma looked amazing, and you knew the stars were now mirrored into your (color) eyes.
Your breath hitched as Guzma leaned in, closing the distance in between you two. You were both nervous, the butterfrees were very prominent in your stomachs. You closed your eyes before your lips connected, and Guzma got to admire your beautiful golden eyelids. He would never forget this moment.
When you finally felt his lips on yours, you felt your body relax. Guzma himself melted into the kiss. You has been wearing a flavored lip gloss, and Guzma couldn't get enough of it. The kiss was loving, and simple, your lips moving together slowly.
When Guzma finally pulled away he breathlessly said, "(y/n).. Your beautiful.." You knew he meant it this time. You smiled at him, you weren't alone anymore, and god it felt good. "I'm so glad you like me Guzma," you hugged the man in front of you," you have no idea how much this means..." You trailed off and let him go. "Guzma, i-if you want... Stay here with me from now on?.. I know what I said before, but it really is your choice, not mine.."
Guzma pulled you away from him a bit, leaving your hands on his shoulders. "Kid I can't, I need to go back home, I can't run away anymore ya know?" Guzma wasn't too happy, but it was true. You frowned a bit and moved away from him, sitting on the edge of the couch.
You noticed his empty cup on the coffee table, "hey, since your stuck here for tonight anyway, how about a TV marathon and some more tapu coca, maybe popcorn?" You returned to your normal attitude, you were upset about Guzma going back, but family is family. Guzma gave a small smirk twords you, "yeah, but imma help with the popcorn" he then got up and followed you to your small kitchen.

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