What he did

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-your POV-

You remember something then. The first time you went to that sweet little house...
You had met a man, white, brown hair, kinda heavy and in his late 30's. He invited you in and talked to you a little while about his son leaving, and about how he was beat by the boy, you assumed in a Pokemon battle. You had started to look around the home, the man didn't mind since he sat down to watch TV, there was one room you couldn't get in which was his, but the rest was all yours to explore. It was small and nice, but there was dust on a lot of things, and you could tell some things hadn't been touched in a few good years. You had seen a lot of pictures of a little boy with black hair smiling, and holding up a medal he won with his wimpod. You hadn't met Guzma yet, so you had no clue it was him. Then you went into the boys bedroom. It was dusty, but there was a whole display of trophies for winning in a Pokemon event of some sort. There was also a TV and a desk, and some edgy music in the corner. Out of curiosity and boredom you sat on the blue bed that was in there. And you could immediately feel the hurt and sadness that had seeped into the mattress. You yourself knew what that felt like from experience.

-about reader-
Your parents had separated, (not divorced), when you were around 6 or 7, and you had blamed yourself because you weren't the daughter they had before. Your would have been older sister died before you were born, but you looked exactly the same, and even though you were so young, you knew seeing you hurt them, especially when they called you by her name.
Your mom and dad had made you choose between them, and you chose your dad. But you still got to see your mom.
Little did your dad know your mom had started to date a convicted pedophile.

Later she moved away and disappeared, and your dad got into a terrible accident leaving him unfit to take care of you. And none of your other family could take care of you. So eventually you were put into foster care. Which was terrible, it seemed the only family's who would get you were the heavy drinkers and the ones who used you as their personal slave, at one point you had a family who locked you in the downstairs basement and wouldn't let you go to school or feed you. You eventually started to self harm, and even tried to commit suicide it was so bad.
Eventually though you met your new mom, and she adopted you. You got your old Pokemon back through the agency when your father was reported missing.
You remember the empty feeling. Everyone had either left you, hurt you, or both.

-back to the house-
You got up off the bed and went to say goodbye to the man, when you noticed a large golf bag. It had bent and even broken clubs. You had a terrible feeling in your stomach but ignored it. You said goodbye to the man finally and his only comment was 'don't screw up'
-flash back end-

It didn't take long now for you to connect the dots. That man, was Guzma's father... The constant screaming at himself and his anger issues, the ruined golf clubs.. Guzma was beat by his dad, and from what you understand now, it wasn't lightly..

-My POV-

Without intending to your hold on Guzma became more like you were holding a new born litten. Breathlessly you started, "Guzma.. Does that mean... Does he still hurt you Guzma?" You lossened your hold even more as you felt him tense. He didn't think you would or could know about that. He never told anyone, except for Plum.
You cup his face with your hand this time, making him look into your eyes, "Guzma does he still hurt you?" You say softly, you know when you had been going through what you did at the homes you never wanted to talk.
Guzma still couldn't believe you had found out. But the look in his eyes held more than shock. You could see the fear and sadness. Sighing you let go of his face and grab his hand. Guzma has about fifty different emotions fighting him right now as you slowly pull him into your living room. He's blushing but he's sad and he's also a little happy that you care, but he's confused too.
You had decided to leave Guzma on your couch and went to the kitchen. He was silently watching you, but also zoning out to Tapu knows where.

-time skip-

After about 18-25 minuets you come back with a large black mug with a gold poke ball on it. Its filled with fresh Tapu coca. You hand it to a slightly less shocked Guzma who takes it happily. He still hasn't said a word.

-your POV-

Its late, its cold, and its probably going to rain again, you think to yourself, and no way in hell I'm letting Guzma go back to his father anyways! You make up your mind just as soon as Guzma sets the mug down on your coffee table.
"Your staying here now" you say crossing your arms and getting ready to go fix up the bed for him. "W-what?! Why!?" Guzma stands up in protest, his face red from blushing, you hope.
"Guzma I've been through that kind of bullshit longer than you could know," you pause,"and I am not leaving you there. I know your grown now, your older than me, but i-i don't want anyone hurting you.. Not him and not yourself either...." When you stop the air is thick, and awkward... "B-besides, even if that wasn't the case.. I-its too late to make that hike. And-" rain started pelting your roof-" it's raining.." You half smile now. "What kind of person would I be if I let my boy Guzma go out in that shit?"
"(Y/n) I really can't stay"
"But baby its cold outside ~" you reply singing, Guzma can't help but laugh.
"Well I guess I'll be stayin then sweetheart" Guzma smirks at you and you blush. You were so glad you went to his house.

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