Kissu~ part 1

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You left Guzma, who was now smiling contently at the TV drinking his Tapu coca, alone in the living room to go fix the bed for him. You only had one room, so you quickly picked up anything weird or gross, and changed your fluffy pink sheets and comforter and put on some gray-ish lavender ones. Now that you were thinking about it, it kinda matched Guzma's eye shadow, or at least you think is was eye shadow..
You come back into the living room pulling your pink comforter with you. For the most part it was in your arms, but it was made for a king sized mattress, (even though yours was only a twin), and it was spilling out and around you. You had to look around the heap of pink in your arms to make sure you weren't going to hit your coffee table or anything.

-Guzma's pov-

When I heard (y/n) coming down the hallway I was originally going to ask her something, but I completely forgot what when I saw the pink blob moving towards me.
That is fuckin cute, dis shits gonna be my new wallpaper. I took a picture of her I got an idea, I hid around the corner waiting for (y/n) to come out of the hallway and near the couch.

-my pov-

When you had looked past the fluff of your blanket you noticed Guzma was no longer sitting on your couch, and his cup was missing too. You were standing right by the arm of the couch when Guzma pushed you over it. You landed on your back somehow and Guzma had fallen ontop of you, his hands pining yours beneath the blanket. Guzma smirked at you, and you turned red. That look drove you crazy, and suddenly your body became way more sensitive than usual. Guzma's weight on top of you became super comfortable but you would never admit that.
"H- wha- Guzma? C-can you get off of me?" Your voice raised an octive near the end, making you blush worse, Guzma thought it was cute. "Na doll face, I think this is good payback for my house, sittin on my lap like that~" Guzma seemed to have gotten his confidence back, something he was lacking for a while. "Now look at who the uncomfortable one is. Little girl trapped under her blanket by the big bad Guzma. Your helpless now~ you know that? Now your at my mercy~" Guzma was such a turn on, you didn't even mind how close he was to your face, and Guzma had no intent in moving away any time soon. Guzma started again, breathlessly,
"What would you do if I kissed you right now? You'd be helpless to stop me" Guzma slowly leaned in, and kissed you softly at first, just a gentle peck. He was right. You were frozen. When he went to kiss you again he moved an arm so he could move your head closer to him, you managed to get both your arms out now, and when he tried to pull away again you grabbed the back of his hair and pulled him into a real kiss, you heard him moan. You pulled again on his hair and he moaned into the kiss, and forced you onto his mouth more. You two continued like this for a while, eventually slowing down and stopping to breathe. Guzma was panting a bit harder than you were, and you managed to say, "I still think your the uncomfortable one" Guzma had sat up, your hands now stroking the shaved hair behind his ears with your thumbs. "Your beds ready, but I don't have any pajamas for you, I have a shirt you could probably fit in but thats it." Guzma looked into your eyes, a little dumbfounded, and laughed a little bit. "Thanks (y/n)" he had honestly expected a different reaction to your guys' make out session, but if he was honest, he was pretty tired.
You told him that the shirt was on the pillow in the bedroom. So he changed out of his pants and jacket and put your shirt on. He was honestly surprised it fit. It was just a plain white shirt, but he didn't know why you'd need one so much bigger than you.

You had seen Guzma's sweater laying on the table and got up out of your blanket puddle, to go give it to him, just in case your shirt was too small. You ended up running into him as he opened the bedroom door. You were about to apologize when Guzma spoke first. "Hey why you got a shirt so big anyway? You don't have a boyfriend do you?" Guzma had his arm up on the doorframe, with his other hand resting on his hip. "Yeah I TOTALLY have a boyfriend, thats why I'm so alone." You couldn't help but be a smart ass, "I wear it kinda like a nightgown," you told him. Guzma's eyes widened a bit, "so, like my sweater, you could just wear that to bed?" You got a little flustered when he asked that, but responded with a yes, "put it on," he said, "I wanna see". You blushed for a minuet then agreed, you took off your poncho and put his sweater on instead. It covered up your shorts completely, and it hit about mid thigh. Guzma muttered something under his breath as he blushed, how could you be so cute and sweet but still be so hot?

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