Chapter Three: Unpremeditated Tryst

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"The number you have dialled is not available at present, please try again later."

Charles threw the phone away and it fell on the car floor, fed up with getting the same annoying answer after dialling the numbers of both his brother CJ and his husband but also Charles's best friend, Zach.

He held the wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white. He was so lost in his mind that it was a miracle he didn't cause any accident and made it to his house. He parked the car and turned it off but he didn't get out. He stayed on his seat as his hundred thoughts jumbled up in his mind. He was conflicted. He didn't know what to do now that Ron was in town. He had been the kind to believe that if you love someone, let the go and if they come back then you were meant to be but if they don't then it was never meant to be.

Ron was back in his life now and it wasn't Charles who sought him out but it was he that came to him.

Charles wasn't stupid when he made the decision to leave. He knew he had to give Ron his much needed space to mourn his recent lost mate. Ron didn't need him at that moment and staying could have only worsened things between Charles and Ron. Ron could have never accepted Charles for who he was; a mate. It didn't matter to Charles whether he was just a merely second mate and not the true mate to Ron because he only saw Ron as his mate and nothing else. He wanted to stay and fight for him but he didn't want to turn out being something he didn't want to Ron.

Sometimes love could be out of kindness, fear of loneliness, loyalty, fear of retaliation and so many reasons. Charles never wanted Ron to love him as a rebound. He wanted Ron to love him just as he loved Ron; as a mate. Nothing else mattered at that moment and Charles made a choice to leave knowing there was a chance that Ron would come for him and also that he might never come for him and he was willing to take such a risk only if he would be loved in return.

Now we will never find out since you chose to run from him the moment he appears for the first time in five years.

A voice chided Charles in his mind and he growled and punched the wheel.

Charles was angry at Ron for deciding to show his face now. For years Charles had been waiting for him and just when he had lost his hope and turned his back on his past, Ron decided to come back waltzing in his life once again as if he had that right. Why come now and make Charles suffer?

Charles sighed and got out of his car while carrying his things. He opened the front door and once inside, he noticed the figure lying on the couch. He knew exactly who it was and he felt more drained as the thoughts of said person also invaded his mind. He didn't bother greeting the person as he made his way up the stairs to his bedroom. Soon enough a set of feet followed him up to his room.

"What took you so long to come inside? I had been dying to see you." Charles's guest murmured just as he walked inside Charles's bedroom.

"When did you get back?" Charles asked, completely ignoring to answer his guest question.

"What? No 'welcome back darling. I truly missed you' kind of talk?"

"Tristan." Charles sighed, not wanting to get into an arguing moment with his boyfriend.

Tristan was a werewolf just like him and he lived away from town. He usually got in town when there was a family business to run and that's also when he and Charles would meet up and have more than one of there regular one nightstand. It was just a hookup relationship but then Tristan began to title what they had as something more. Charles didn't usually use the term boyfriend but sometimes it did came to his mind. But now it gave him a headache to think about and he was sure it would burn his tongue if he dared to say it aloud.

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