Chapter Seven: Unanticipated Conclusion

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Ron should have hated it that he was sore and had to limp to get around but he loved it. He had woken up early to prepare breakfast for his mate and he was almost done but Charles had not yet made his way down. He could here him moving around upstairs but he didn't know what was taking him long to come down.

Just as he finished setting the food on the table, Charles arrived in the kitchen and took a seat. Ron looked questioningly at him since he wasn't dressed as if he was going to work.

"What?" Charles asked after noticing the look of his mate.

"Are you not going to work today?"

"Yes, I'm staying with you. I called the boss that I'll come sometime in the afternoon." Charles replied while filling up his plate with the goodies prepared by his mate.

Ron chuckled when he heard what his mate said. He knew Charles wanted to come along when going to the hospital because Tony would be there and Charles thought of him as a threat. To Ron, it didn't matter what reason Charles was staying for, it just was an added bonus to spend time with his mate.

They silently ate breakfast and when they were done, Charles offered to clean the plates while Ron took a bath. However, Ron's bath time was interrupted as a horny Charles crashed the moment and proceeded to fuck his mate along the bathroom walls and floor. By the time they were done, Ron couldn't even walk on his own and Charles washed him clean of his semen and carried him to the bed. He continued to dry his mate and dressed him up since they had to leave for the hospital to see Maria.

"Can you please call Tony and let him know we will be coming." Ron called out to his mate who was in the closet.

"Okay." Charles replied.

Ron was tired and even though he tried not to, he found himself sleeping before Charles even exited the closet.

Now that him and Ron were completely mated, nothing could come in there way but Charles was still alert when Tony was involved. He didn't like the man from day one and no matter how much assurance he got from his mate, he just couldn't be at ease with the detective.

Upon exiting the closet, Charles noticed that Ron was fast asleep which brought a smile on his face. He didn't expect to complete the mating yesterday but he was glad that was taken care of and that they were now taking their relationship to another level. By now, Charles was used to doing unexpected things since it seemed for such to happen to them a lot.

Charles took a seat beside the sleeping form of his mate and raised the T-shirt Ron was wearing. Seeing the mate tattoo of his wolf on Ron's back brought a shiver of excitement in his body. He wished to wake his mate up and take him from behind in order to get a good look of the tattoo on Ron's back. Sighing, Charles covered Ron up and carried him off the bed, down the stairs, out the house to the car. Ron needed a short break before he mounts him again and being away from the bed helped to ease Charles desires.

After buckling him up, Charles pulled away from his driveway and drove to the hospital. He drove slowly in order to give his mate some more time to rest before waking him up at the hospital. Ron wouldn't like to be carried inside the hospital which was why Charles had to wake him up when they reached the hospital.

Thoughts of going back home swirled around in Charles's mind while listening to 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz as he drove. Unlike him, Ron had a pack that needed his presence since he was the beta. Now that they were mated, they needed to go back home and start a new life there with Ron. Charles remembered he had yet to show Ron to his family. He knew they would like him just as much as Roman liked him because Roman was a good judge of character. Charles then decided to bring up the issue of his leave to Sanjay when he goes to work later in the afternoon.

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