Thank You

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Hello guys!

This book has been a hustle but here we are at the end.

Thanks to all who didn't abandon Ron and Charles as you read this book, voted, commented and patiently waited for updates. I admit I struggled a lot with this but the few supporters I had on this journey helped me going. So thanks a lot guys.

Maria and Ron's newly born baby will be there in book 5 of the secret series. I had promised that I'll start updating book 5 after I'm done updating this book and now that it's over, expect an appearance of the book anytime soon.

I've still not decided on what title to give book five. I've also decided for the book to be divided in two volumes. So there will be two books both book 5.

I'm used to write two books at a time, so I'm not sure how I'll manage three since ONCE UPON A LIFE is still an ongoing book. I'll figure something out before updating the new book.

So you guys look out for a new book on my profile.

Once again, thanks to all who stood with me during Accidental Love from the beginning to the end. May you please continue loving my books and showing them the love you showed to this book.

Thank you guys.

Lots of love!



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