Chapter Six: Inadvertent Touch

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Two weeks have passed by and Ron could only describe his life at the moment to be okay. Things between him and Charles weren't as icy as before. A lot of things had changed in the past fourteen days and Ron couldn't wish for something better.

That night, when they arrived home from the hospital, Charles carried a sleeping Ron to his bedroom instead of the couch that Ron had been sleeping on. When Ron woke up, he tried to exit the room but Charles insisted it was okay and even backed himself up with the largeness of his bed, that it was capable for two. Since that night, they have been sharing the room and bed. They even had a routine now. Ron would woke up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for Charles before the man leaves for work. Then Ron would continue his day with house chores, reading and sometimes writing. Charles called Ron during lunch time just to check up on him. If he was to come home late, Charles always made sure Ron knew about it and explained the reasons too. They would have dinner together and after each wash up, they called it a day and slept.

Nothing much had been discussed between the two and Ron didn't want to be the one to bring things up. He just went with the flow of things and since everything was okay, he had no complaints. One thing bothered him greatly and he was certain Charles was bothered by it too. Sexual tension between the two was skyrocketing with each passing day. Ron craved for Charles touch but the man kept his distance even when they shared a bed. The occasional and barely touches when they both maneuvered in the kitchen or bedroom was all Ron got. He was too shy to ask Charles outright about it, so he settled on Charles resolve to run out. He was a wolf after all and wolves can be sexual beings. Ron also began to seduce him by wearing less clothes when Charles was home or dressing while Charles was in the room just to push him off the radar. But as days went by, Ron lost all hope. Charles had not touched him like he wished for and instead, it seemed to drive Charles away.

Ron's phone began ringing, bringing him out of his thoughts. He had been reading a book and the characters were having an intimate moment that made him remember what was lacking in his life. He took the phone, knowing it was Charles, and answered.



Silence from both sides, as each waited to hear what the other said.

"Uhm, how are you doing?"

Ron smiled when he heard Charles's voice once again. It wasn't a foreign question since he has been asked that in the previous days as well, as a conversation starter even though it wasn't much of a conversation. There was something about it that calmed his heart when Charles called.

"I'm okay." Ron replied. "How is work going on?"

The phone call progressed from there, were Charles explained how his day was proceeding and Ron would tell him what he had been doing in the morning and what his plans for the afternoon were. Charles would always ask if Ron has eaten and if not, Ron had to give his reasons which mostly were about how boring it was to cook and eat alone. Today was one of those days that Ron didn't feel like cooking and eating all alone.

"I'm coming to have lunch with you then. There isn't much work in the office and Sanjay said I could leave. Will you cook or should I buy something on my way home?"

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